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preselect, groups, results & xforming in X.... plus levels problem.


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I am not sure I am liking the preselect feature on X...at least the way i am using it. I know that many times I must rotate a part on 2 different construction planes...or rotate and then translate to get the geometry the way I need it. Is there any way to xform a group or a result???


Also, my levels button is broke/not working properly. On the levels manager I can create levels all day long ( not sure of the need for 2 billion levels, but thats a different story ). The problem I am running into is when I exit the levels manager and use the drop down button to change levels...all it ever shows is level 1. I also cannot type a level number in this field. To change levels other than level 1 I must go into the levels manager...but I can change back to level 1 via the drop down box....


anyone else seeing this????

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1) You can turn off Pre-selection if it gets in your way - its in Settings/Config/Screen. Look for the "Allow Pre-Selection" checkbox.


(Also, you don't HAVE TO pre-select in Xform).


And when you want to select a "group" or "result", select "All" and you'll see "Xform Result" and "Xform Group" in the "Select All" dialog

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You do not have to open the level manager to use a new level, you can just type in the level you want to "create" or make active. The level manager only has to be used for adding a descriptor or manipulating more than one level at a time.

this DOES NOT work on mine. I cannot type ANYTHING in this field, not even level 1. I can create & name levels all day long in the levels manager, but that drop down box is totally useless for me....I can switch to level 1 with it,(via the drop down, not by typing) but no matter how many levels I define/name...All I can choose is level 1 (sometimes it comes up with level zero tho)


bug maybe (definatly)?????

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