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X bugs, fixes, and logged issues?

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Would it be possible to start a Sticky thread that lists X bugs fixes etc. that have already been reported so we don't ask about something that is already being dealt with?


Bug: I use the autosave funtion and run many programs at once is there a way to make the autosave function not pop up until I go back into X. Right now it pops up even if X is minimized?







Thank You


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I kind of asked for the same thing here a couple days ago...




I get the feeling the answer is a big NO. Big waste of everybody's time. Let me warn you, be careful with the word bug. In your example, I wouldn't call that a bug. In such a case, you might want to add a field 'rejected:' in case they don't want to 'fix' it.


I second the list though. Any possibility CNC software? Are you being hounded with redundant requests?



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I think the forum is kinda a "live" buglist. You can search for specific things (though we could name topics better in some cases). Even without search just asking a question gets an answer from the users that did see it posted before.


The forum is also better than a buglist cause in most cases it also provides a work around for alot of issues.

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Obviously X is far from perfect. After going through these forums it is more than apparant that not all issues are user related. Why is CNC Software so hesitant to publish known issues? This would save a ton of time for people...looking at a organized list is much faster than searching through a very active forum. This would also save forum space to help people with user issues....not software bugs.


I also feel the phrase "work around" is a cop-out. Its like saying "it kinda works".

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Any piece of software out of the box, original release, ALWAYS, has issues. Even though it has been beta tested to death. It is now opened up to many more configurations and ways of doing things that NO amount of beta testing could ever recreate.


As far as a bug list, from a business standpoint, that would be foolhardy. I cannot think of one major professional piece of software or minor for that matter, that you can get an open listing of known bugs, in a current release.


I myself, am not currently programming in X yet. There is an issue that I need to have corrected and has been addressed in SP1.


I am not up here complaining about it, I am spending my time to learn how to use this new tool.


Yes there are a few bugs but ultimately the VAST majority of the problems being seen are user end issues.



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I also feel the phrase "work around" is a cop-out. Its like saying "it kinda works".

In my opinion, a work around occurs when the feature doesn't work right, but until it gets fixed, by using a different method, one can achieve adequate results.


I consider a "cop out" to be a negative action and a "work around" to be a positive action.



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Ok, nobody is saying that there shouldn't be bugs. I don't think anybody is implying that there are "too many" bugs. It would make sense (from a users standpoint) to have a list of things that are going to be fixed. You can't argue that.


I can search for a bug, find that everyone else is having the same problem, and STILL wonder if it is going to be fixed, and in what release.


Why search an entire fourum and read every reply, when you can look at a list? Don't call it a bug at all. Call it something more developer friendly.


My guess is that there will be no list available because it will be looked at as "self admitted mistakes" on CNC softwares part. That's kind of childish, but understandable I guess.


How about someone at CNC software jumps into each applicable thread to let us know if something has, or will be fixed. At least that way, we know they have heard about it, and whether or not they plan to fix it.



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I cannot think of one major professional piece of software or minor for that matter, that you can get an open listing of known bugs, in a current release.

SolidWorks has a Software Performance Report = bugs list. You have to be on maintenance and agree to a Nondisclosure Agreement to view them on their secure site. Wait a minute I think I remember paying maintenance for X.


How much time do the users and Vars loose dealing with duplicate submissions of the same bug? I was writing one up yesterday and happened to check the forum before I sent it. Fortunately the topic was well written and I saw it before I wasted a bunch of time sending an email and trying to duplicate the error.


Canned drill cycles for mill only post feed of F0.??


Here is a second post same topic same bug.

No feed with drill cycle X


I think having an actual list of verified bugs would be beneficial. The list would not only save time buy eliminating duplication submissions but it would also help CNC get feed back from users as to which issues are the most critical and need the most attention. I know I would read it and try to avoid situations in the software that would cause a bad out come.

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I cannot think of one major professional piece of software or minor for that matter, that you can get an open listing of known bugs, in a current release.

Autodesk posts tons of information on thier support site, as does Microsoft. Cadalyst magazenes compiles and maintains an extensive buglist (with work-arounds where possible) for AutoCAD and related products.

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CNC Software comment?


When X was first released you guys were in here (this forum) like flys on ****, and that was great. Don't leave us hanging.


A "Not gonna happen" answer is better than none. Even, "were thinking about it, and will be discussing it Tuesday morning...we'll keep you posted" would be great.


I've since decided to just keep my own list until the first service release. As soon as that's released, I will cross the fixed things off my list and submit the list to qc.


I am considering maintaining a public list on the net, but am waiting to see CNC Softwares official thoughts and reasoning. If there's good reason that a list would be bad for them, I wouldn't want to do it either.



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I still hate the "work around" phrase.....if something does not work the its supposed to....its a BUG.

Nobody's asking you to use the word "work-around" instead of bug. Usually, a work-around is a way to get around a bug. It's "another way to get it done". The term "work-around" actually implies that there is a problem.


When the work-around becomes a permanent solution we have a problem.


Work-around = friend smile.gif



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Are you on a quest to find "Bugs" or are you looking for ways to get your work done. A "work around" helps you get your job done.


As for a "bug" list and a "Work Around" list, That's what this forum is. It's a searchable list of how things work. And sometimes it shows that something does not work. In which case someone will come up with a way to work around the problem.


Welcome to the forum.


Mike Mattera

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