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Programming Horizontal machines


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If you are new to programming operations for a Horizontal, absolutely.


One of big issues with a horizontal is tool extension and clearance.

Sometime the only way to see what going on is to actually visualize via CAM.


To make it easy for yourself, keep the tombstone, fixturing and any machine elements on their own dedicated levels.

This way you'll be able to turn them on and off as needed.

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do yourself another favour and draw up the tombstone in its own file... that way you can call it up and bring the part in and put it in the postition you want.......if your are programming from center of tombstone ...beware of your retracts when turning or indexing ...you might want to reposition the tool in a safe place with your post ie...when turning or at least make sure your retract and the and the tool are far enough away...if you are programming with G54 ...G55 this will also come into play but your retract will not be as high....i would still put a retract safety height in your post in the pindex

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It is very helpful to have all you tombs drawn up if you are progamminng from center rotation. Be careful and make sure you WCS is top and you t/c planes are front right and left or other angles as neede. On the 2nd op you will have to go with back view rotated and set a new wcs to the top of that view so you can use front right left etc.

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Also when drawing up your tombstone, Go look in the book and find the area that talks about your max dimensions of the part that can fit in through your pallet changer. This way you can draw your clearance circle from the top and see that everything fits.



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really old old version of MC9...but if i squint really hard at the screen i can pretend it is X...i just import the model into X all the time now as i did with MC9


It is one of many that we had drawn with different vices and fixtures on the tombstone so that we had all the locations and we could program with one absolute X0 Y0 Z0.....The circle is broken up into 4 quadrants so that we can use that as our reference height and retract when we program from vector to vector...ie front, back... etc...

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+1000 to everybody !!


Also take into account the dims of the pallet plate.

If there is enough axes stroke, the spindle cover or cowling might hit the pallet plate if

the tool isn't extended fat enough, 'specially if the tstone is indexed 45 degrees so's the corner of the pallet plate is aligned to the Z axis.

(learned that one the hard way)




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Gentlemen, thank you for your reply. I'd like to clarify my question. We are going to put only one part on the tombstone and use only one side of the tombstone. On MastercamX I drew the model with its back "sitting" on the Mastercam origin.

My question: Did I do right? Or do I have to take the tombstone phisical dimensions into account and move my model on Mastercam as far away from the Mastercam origin as far it will be from the tombstone rotation axis? In other words: when I create the model, do I have to simulate the actual setup (to take the tombstone physical dimensions into account)?

Thanks again for your advice.

HYPE Manufacturing


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