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MR1 issues?

Mcam Nut

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Shawn, if you do a lot of stl usage, do the side by side like suggested.


If you updated to SP1 on that install you can take the MR1 files back into SP1


If you have not updated to SP1 do it before you install MR1



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This bug is WAY bad and annoying, it is happening to me quite regualar. This and not being able to select multiple ops with the shift key makes me wish that I never went to X2...X1 MR2 did not have these annoying and destructive bugs.


Time for CNC Software to release hotfixes to fix some of these issues. X2 is a step in the wrong direction bug wise.

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not being able to select multiple ops with the shift key

This problem is very intermittent, like maybe once a week. The rest of the time it works fine.

When I do have this problem I solve it by clicking

a single OP in a different group.

That seems to reset things and multiple selcet works again.

Its annoying, but hardly worth condemming an entire release.

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This problem is very intermittent, like maybe once a week. The rest of the time it works fine.

how bout multiple times a day on 6 different seats/computers? sounds regular rather than intermittent to me.


The file save issue described in the link is even more annoying and destructive..not only does it rename your file, but it puts it into a different location. Easy to lose alot of progress on a part, all because you want to look at a different file.


Not condemming the whole release, but when you get used to something working, then upgrade, I EXPECT things to continue to work....otherwise you are taking a step in the wrong direction.

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The file save issue described in the link is even more annoying and destructive.

In the Control Panel there is a Mastercam utility

One of the things it does is control the File Save/Open interface. You have a choice between Windows Standard and Mastercam.

I don't have any problems when its set to Mastercam. When set to Windows Standard, I get

all kinds of strange behavior that changes from computer to computer. If I leave it set on Mastercam, I don't have any trouble.

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gcode you wouldn't happen to know what all of the boxes do in that mastercam utility do you. i'm trying to be able to bring in files and they are shown as large icons. i would like them to be shown as a list instead.




x2mr1 level1 solids

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I had issues with my install, I actully uninstalled it again. on 2 systems, one would run with errors, and one wouldnt run at all. I will upgrade down the road, just not now. I also noticed issues with my post for the short period it was installed, it was posting speed of 0 on all the tools.

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it was posting speed of 0 on all the tools

That's not an MR1 issue. There was a conflict between InHouse SOlution's mpmaster posts and

X2. Mpmaster needed tweaking to work properly

with X2. The problem has been fixed with MR1 so you'll need to untweak your post.

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Check your paths,


I'll bet in your config, the path it is pointing to for your RMB is incorrect.


If not that it is likely something on a toolbar or your RMB that is not yet installed in the MR1 directories.

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Open your config file in a text editor

There are about 50 paths in there telling

Mastercam where to find differrent files.

If you had X2 installsed in

C:mcamx, all the paths in your config file




If you take you X2 config file and drop it in your X2_MR1 config folder, all the paths still

lead back to X2.

This can cause big trouble, especially with the

chooks and apps folder.

MP.dll, the prime source of all gcode sits in the apps folder.

If you dropped your X2 config file in your X2_MR1

folder and didn't fix the paths, you are posting

with an out of date MP.dll.

This is not a good idea smile.gif

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