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Ok...I REALLY like Mastercam but this is just over the freeking top.

I have a job where I have a couple hundred ops.

Runs in five setups.

I'm going to run this on two different machines.

Two different posts and machine def's.

When I change defs, it turns off my stinkin coolant. It ALSO turns the coolant off in the tool def!!!!!

No prob. I'll just edit the thirty some odd tools and save them to a liberary. Edit common parameters dosn't change the stinkin coolent!!!!!

So I get to edit each tool and each FOOKIN toolpath each stinkin time I change a machine def!!!@!



JEEEZUS Some one show me the light!!!!

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You could set default parameters for your operations in the control definition.


In MCX2 go to Settings - Control Definition Manager. Once the Control Defintion Manager dialog appears search for "Operation Defaults".


You could change paramters in there, and "save as defaults" once done.


Everytime you load a control definition your defaults will appear.

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You guys are not understanding me

My defaults are fine.

If I create another machine group and call another machine def, copy all my ops to the new machine group, it turns off all of the colant in the ops AND in the tool defs. It ALSO alters the tool numbers

You CAN NOT edit common parameters to fix it. It dosn't change the coolant on or off issue.

I have to change a couple HUNDRED ops by hand.

AND I have to edit the tool defs as well because it turns the coolant off there as well as change the tool and offset numbers. This REALLY sucks.

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Go to the Coolant page of General Machine Parameters in your Machine Definition.

Check the box

"Support coolant using coolant value in post-proccessor"


That will turn X style coolant into V9 style.

I have no idea why edit general parameters

won't work for you. I use it to mass edit coolant settings all the time.

I'm wondering if one of your posts has had major

customization work done to the coolant commands.

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I'm wondering if one of your posts has had major

customization work done to the coolant commands.


Not that I'm aware of. I have a post for my Haas Mini that I have had (been upgrading it) since ver 8 or 9. and the MP Master post for my Fanucs

The Haas post has coolant either on or off.

The other mill post has on, off, ignore , before, with, and after switches.

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I think there is part of your problem. You have taken a post all the way from V8 to X not the way to go IMHO. There is a HASS post in X and you could always change the MPMASTER to suit your needs keeping both posts of the same style making life easier for yourself down the road. I have to strongly agree with Gcode about old style and new style posts given you a big part of your problems.



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The easist way to of handled this would of post the the first machine and not create another but after posting the first one gone to files in the OM and changed machines and posted insteatd of copying to just post to to diffrent machines and it would of retained the info.


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That's what I did the first time around. Posted the file then went back to the ops mgr and changed the machine def. That turned off all the coolant settings in every op. also in the tool def. When I went to use edit common para's, it only worked for one op. select all of them and still only worked on one op. I am sure this is something I am doing wrong, I just haven't figured out what the heck it is yet.

I have another thing that is a little strange. When I post, many times I just post a couple ops at a time. I have the "overwrite" or "ask" click box set to overwrite. Yet it randomly returns to ask....

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The setting is under the Machine Group Properties (MGP), Tool Settings tab. There is a check box for "use tool's step, peck, coolant".


If you want to force this option to "on" as the default do the following:


Open the MGP dialog box, select the "Files" tab.


In the "Operation Defaults" section, click on the exclamation point button (edit item button).


This will bring up the "Edit Operation Defaults" dialog box. Use the scroll bar on the right to scroll to the top of the operation list.


At the top of the list is another "Properties" tree with the defaults for all of your MGP settings.


Open this second default MGP dialog box and make sure the check box is checked. If the dialog opens and the box is already checked, uncheck and then re-check the box. You need Mastercam to register this as the "default" setting.


Now click the "OK" green check mark button, click the "OK" button to close the "Op defaults" dialog box, and click "OK" to close the original MGP dialog box.


You will need to repeat this procedure for each different Machine definition you have.



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