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generic Haas 4 axis vmc mm post help


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In this section in your post try setting the rotary axis to 0 or off.



# --------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Rotary Axis Settings

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------

vmc : 1 #SET_BY_MD 0 = Horizontal Machine, 1 = Vertical Mill

rot_on_x : 1 #SET_BY_MD Default Rotary Axis Orientation

#0 = Off, 1 = About X, 2 = About Y, 3 = About Z

rot_ccw_pos : 0 #SET_BY_MD Axis signed dir, 0 = CW positive, 1 = CCW positive

index : 0 #SET_BY_MD Use index positioning, 0 = Full Rotary, 1 = Index only

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The Generic Haas 4X Mill.pst reads the Machine Definition and automatically sets the rotary axis switches based upon the rotary axis defined in the active axis combination. To remove the 'A' output, open the Machine Definition in the MD Manager, click on the Axis Combination icon on the top bar, uncheck the rotary axis in the default axis combination and save the MD.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Does anyone have any idea how to eliminate the space between the parenthesis and the man readable comments using this post?


Here is what I am getting. The haas control doesn't like it


( T#1 1.0" endmill )


here is what I am after:


(T#1 1.0" endmill)


I have tried messing with the comments section in the post and have had no luck.


Thanks a bunch

Kevin C. smile.gif

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  • 2 years later...

I know this is an old thread but I'm having a similar issue....



The Generic Haas 4X Mill.pst reads the Machine Definition and automatically sets the rotary axis switches based upon the rotary axis defined in the active axis combination. To remove the 'A' output, open the Machine Definition in the MD Manager, click on the Axis Combination icon on the top bar, uncheck the rotary axis in the default axis combination and save the MD.

I did this and set the rot_on_x to "0" but it still outputs A axis statements.




Anyone have a clue? Using X3

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(DATE: 25-09-09)





( T2 | 3/8 DRILLMILL | H2 )

( T1 | 5/8 DRILL | H1 )

( T3 | 13/32 DRILL | H3 )

( T4 | LTR. U DRILL | H4 )

( T5 | 1/2 FLAT ENDMILL | H5 | XY STOCK TO LEAVE - .01 | Z STOCK TO LEAVE - 0. )

( T6 | 3/8 FLAT ENDMILL | H6 )

( T7 | 3/8 REAMER | H7 )



G0 G17 G40 G49 G80 G90

T2 M6

G0 G90 G54 X0. Y2.875 A0. S2000 M3

G43 H2 Z1. T1

G98 G81 Z-.15 R.1 F5.

X-2.035 Y1.504

X-3.5 Y0.

X-2.035 Y-1.559

X-3.375 Y-2.875

X0. Y0.

X1.024 Y-1.559

X3.375 Y-2.875

X3.5 Y0.

X2.276 Y1.504



G91 G28 Z0.



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ok its been awhile since i have played with a haas but i had 2 posts setup 1 for index and one for just 3 axis to get the A out remove this from the post at tool change, null tool change, start of non zero tool #


pcan1, pbld, n$, *sgcode, *sgabsinc, pwcs, pfxout, pfyout, pfcout,<<<<<<<<


take pfcout out of the line

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Check and see what line 164 says "Y" or "N"


161. Enable Home Position button? y

162. Enable Reference Point button? y

163. Enable Misc. Values button? y


"164. Enable Rotary Axis button? y"


165. Enable Tool Plane button? y

166. Enable Construction Plane button? y

167. Enable Tool Display button? y

168. Check tplane during automatic work origin creation? y

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Similar question. It seems that I can never get settings in the MD, CD to over-ride the post. X3 or X4.....


Using the Haas 4-axis post, MD,CD from X4 on a Haas TM-2 with 4th axis.


I was able to get the A-axis working on X3 MU1, but no luck, so far, in X4. I'm trying to get G93 Inverse Time Feedrates output and it's not working. I get the Inverse Feedrates on every line, but a G94 where there should be a G93.


Also, does not post "A" rotation on first line when only posting one op. Only G54 X.... Y....


I don't get why I can't get the MD to set things right when the post specifically says it's over-ridden by the MD/CD? I only got things to work in X3 by changing the MD/CD AND the post banghead.gif


Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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Modifying the machine definition should work. The problem there is when you write a lot of programs for the same machine, some with and some without using the rotary.

Another way to handle this is to setup the post file so that it scans the program, and if no rotary moves are found, it does not output and rotary moves. That way you can use the same files for both.

On the FTP site, look for "Mill_Haas-VF" post files.

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Does anyone have any idea how to eliminate the space between the parenthesis and the man readable comments using this post?


Here is what I am getting. The haas control doesn't like it

Just curious what the Haas didn't like about it. I actually like the space and use it all the time. Have a VF-2 and VF-6 and never a problem with the Haas controller or any other for that matter.

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