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MR2 becoming corrupted???

Thee Dragracer1951

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Is this all with the same file?


It seems sometimes I get a file that just gets impossible to work with at some point. Just was working on one that crashed all the time for some reason, but if I opened a different part none of the same problems existed.


It was an old part that was programmed in V9.1 I think. Got to the point where I would try to outut a setup sheet...Crash. Post...Crash. Print...Crash. banghead.gif


Then I did another part, and no problem all the way through.

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These are new files created from solidworks files. I have never worked with them before. MC will crash if I translate, move, copy, rotate. Does not mater the file. Open a new one and it'll do the same.

At this time I am at a standstill. I have lost the customer over this.

He's pissed and so am I

Crashes that happen on my programming computer, when opened on my laptop, cause my laptop MC to crash.

I'm calling my reseller in a bit. But I need a solution

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A couple things to try.


First go into your mastercamchooks folder and rename the art.ft to art.ft0 and then try running mastercam.


Second is to view your system event log. Go into Control panel / Administrative tools / Event viewer and when the event view opens up go to the System log and look for Errors. Check the errors to see if there are any system or disk errors like bad sectors, or something like that related to the time you are crashing.


Third, if the Mastercam Crash Report dialog comes up, please fill it out including your email address and send it in. When you do, please follow up with an email to QC so we can have a programmer look at the crash report immediately.


We are talking about doing a new build with soem additional compiler settings that we might be able to send you to see if it clears up these issues or not. Right now it;s jsut a guess, but nothing else seems to be leading us in the direction to this problem.

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I'm guessing you've got some sort of Quadro vidoe card in that Dell. In the past I have had trouble with Quadro cards and Dell video drivers crashing both V9 and X.

Most recently, it was V9 crashing when picking

points for grooving in V9 lathe.

Installing the latest greatest from Nvidia fixed the problem. I know installing non-Dell drivers in a Dell laptop is not easy, but it can be done.

I'd bet my last dollar that this is a video issue of some kind.

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had this happen to us and found that it was a printer driver coflict. this may very well not apply to you but wanted to mention it as was very hard to track down and isolate.

am not a computer programmer so have no idea what the root problem is on this but (some dll or code is walking on another???).



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