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X4 Calculable Fields


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Was the fix for the calculable field errors on some 64 bit platforms disabling them in some parts of X4?


The place where I use them the most, calculating speeds and feeds on the parameter page when defining tools in the tool manager doesn't work.


Anyone else see this?


Addendum before firing off this post after one more check to make sure I'm not totally insane (I'm already half way there!);


In pre X4 hitting "Enter" in a calculable field completed the calculation. Always. On the define tool param page hitting the Tab key completes it and moves to the next field. Fields on other pages work as always.


That ain't right. Is it a bug or is it not a bug? That is the question.

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They are working on my x32 system at work

Enter does not complete a calculation..

in fact it does nothing at all.

Tab does complete the calculation and

tab the cursor to the next field

I'll try this on my x63 system this evening

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Guest CNC Apps Guy 1

I concur (on my 32bit Dell Precision M6300 Laptop). Tab or a mouse click into another field is what completes the calculation. Enter does nothing.


IIRC I've always used tab as opposed to enter so tab seems a little more natural for me. I am always moving from field to field anyway.


I only have X4 installed now so I can't test another version to see the behaviour.

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Guest CNC Apps Guy 1


Despite the perpetual train wreck that is the Off Topic Forum, this place is indeed very useful.



What kind of a place would an office be without it's water cooler? Boring. biggrin.giftongue.gif

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