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Change Recongntion help


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I have tried to use it in the past with little success, it was probably just me but it almost seemed quicker to reprogram the part.


In this case I would like to try to use it, my part is rather big (for our standards) it has 160 programs on all six sides.


Where should I start? Do I need to orient the part with the changes first?


Thanks for the help.



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When I bring in the new file I hit the green check, I now have two part on top of each other some holes are now blocked by the other part. Do I open a new level first so that the new part is on a different level. Ideally I would like to get rid of the old part and have the programs attached to the new part.

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Certain things that haven't changed show up as "unique to incoming" is there a tolerance that the change recognition goes by? I have three new features in my new part, two bosses, 8 holes moved and 4 holes angles changed from 65 to 60 deg.

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I too have tried to use this feature with very limited success. Plus my part was no where near as complex as yours sounds. Did you try a search here on this topic? It seems like there was some info about it last year. Good luck. Sorry I couldn't be more help.



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No I didn't do a search but I was under the impression that some of the history was removed from the servers a few months back.


I just did a search and only this thread came up.



I guess when you make a spelling mistake in the title and cut and paste that into the search nothing come up except this thread.


I did a search with the correct spelling and I have some looking to do.

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if you find any tips let us know i would sure like to use it more on a family of parts but it always seems to be anchored to the design origin when the new model is brought in so it dont help


i think it will work if you dont move the original model so the new one is right on top of the old one but thats just a guess

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From what I'm reading change recognition shows you the differences between the old file and the new one. It also allows you to repair toolpaths that are effected by the new file, you can either fix them when using change recognition or can fix them after.


The problem that I'm seeing with it is when it comes to holes, if you move a hole the old model gets in the way of the new hole, it masks it for lack of better words.


I was under the impression that change recognition took the toolpaths from the old file applied them to the new one, shows you which ones were dirty and gave you the option to fix them now or later. I also thought it would delete the old file or suppress it in some way.


With the part I'm working on it's doing what I stated in the beginning of this post and not what I thought it should so. Maybe I'm wrong.

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"...I was under the impression that change recognition took the toolpaths from the old file applied them to the new one, shows you which ones were dirty and gave you the option to fix them now or later. I also thought it would delete the old file or suppress it in some way..."


CR will not automatically apply new geometry to your existing toolpaths, that has to be done manually. The time-saver it provides is when many toolpaths use the same geometry, you only have to do it manually once and then say 'yes' when prompted to update all toolpaths that use that modified geometry.


Basically, the way it works is that you can visually see differences between two geometric images of your data and walk through your toolpaths saying 'replace this with this'.


If you've got cases where you think that the differences between the incoming and original geometry are displayed incorrectly, please send that in to QC. One common issue I've seen in this being wrong is if your 'original' part is a solid and you ask to bring in the incoming part as surfaces (or vice versa). That'll confuse it.

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i had a situation where we made a part from solid model,then there was rev change.the costumer said, oh we only changed this and that,so we modified our prog. to what he said, but some stuff was just not blending right.so i tried change recognition. didn't have any success,then what i ended up doing was merging the new part to the old part right on top of each other on a different level and color,and turned on translucent and there was a whole lot more changes. we contacted the customer and he said oh i forgot about those other changes,but looking at the part for about 1/2 hr i found all the different changes

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When comparing the two files I looked at the change recognition colours and Red is Affected and Pink is Dirty and Blue is Up to date. After I regen the operation should it change to blue or should it stay red because it was affected? I don't have any pink in any of the programs they are red even after I regen them.


I had 55 of my programs affected.

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Finally I finished using the change recognition, I have to share a mill license so I am limited to how much time I can put into something before the other guy needs the license.


Here are a few things I noticed.


Before you do the Change Recognition function copy and paste your containments or chains that you have manually drawn in the original file to the incoming file, It would not let me use the chains on the original file. Once your in the Change recognition program you can't get out, it would be nice to be able to draw chains, I could be wrong but I didn't see a way out.


Also, if you have any wonky programs or ones you don't need (I had more then one program doing the same thing)get rid of them, it just adds to the time it takes to do the process. If you are not able to get the program to regen on the new part MC will keep the old geometry associated with that program. In my case I didn't want the old one so I had to make all my programs work. If you do want the old part create a new level on the existing part and have that one active when you start the Change Recognition process.


After I got rid of programs I didn't need and copied the chains I needed it went pretty quick there after. I had 160 programs and 30 or so of them were associated with the changes, a few of the programs had nothing to do with the changes confused.gif I just re-chained them. It took about a hour while I was running my machine.


It was much quicker then Export/Import function, but I do have to say the file seems unstable since I've used the Change Recognition function. It's crashed twice on me when adjusting a few settings on the programs and it is slow to do many simple tasks. Maybe I should use the Ram Saver program?


Any questions feel free to ask, I'll help the best I can. Also some of the statements were from MY experience and could be wrong. Any one that knows better please chime in. smile.gif

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Here is another description of what I did.


On the Change Recognition dialog pane I set the viewing options to incoming file and had ignore up to date programs check box checked, now only the programs that have to be worked on are displayed.

The operations list grows smaller after you fix the program affected until there is none left and your done the process.


The status of operation pane it will have either a yellow cross or a red x, on the ones that had a yellow cross I re-chained my geometry and after I did that it changed to a red x then I just click regen and the program disappeared from the list.


A few of my programs had a red x from the get go so I just hit regen and they were gone too.


I had my solid picked for a few toolpaths and I re-chained the solid and my containment and hit regen it asked me if I wanted to update other tool paths that used that geometry, I clicked yes and the other toolpaths in that plane changed to a red x. I regened them instead of having to pick the geometry and containment for them as well, it was a real time saver.


I did that till all my program were up to date and MC deleted the old geometry. Now I am going over the programs to see if I made any mistakes and making sure they are what I want.

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