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Contour Ramp X/Y ??????

Mr. Wizzard

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So, I was thinking.... headscratch.gif

I use contour ramp quite often when profiling parts.

There's peel mill, cut depths, all kinds of ways to do things.

In contour ramp, you set the depth per pass in Z.

I was wondering how things would work if you could set the depth per pass in X/Y offset from the chain.

Not exactly like multi-passes with stepover, but constant ramping in towards the chain.

You could chain your finished contour, your stock contour and make one depth or multiple depth cuts, but have it ramp in to the finished contour @ .005 per pass or whatever.

Just a thought, running it through my head and it seems like it would work.

Just trying to decide if it would be beneficial or not. Sometimes there's a reason people don't do things a certain way......


What do you guys think?

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Do you mean spiraling in, morphing from your stock shape to your finish profile shape?

Yes. Sounds like I could offset my finish chain and use pocket with stepover, keep tool down, huh?


Other options sound good too. Thanks for the suggestions guys. You've given me a few things to try and see what works/doesn't work for me.

Thanks, again. This site rules! cheers.gif

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