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Mastercam screwed up a 2D dynamic toolpath

Bob W.

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Ugh, it never ends. Mastercam just decided its own depths to use for a 2d dynaimc toolpath. I was going to clean up the bottom of a pocket with a depth of -2.20689 and top of stock listed at -2.19189 and at the machine nothing was cut. I measured the pocket and it was -2.201" deep after the toolpath. There were three more of these pockets and they were done correctly. I checked the operation parameters and they were all identical. Any ideas?


I also had a 3D HST waterline toolpath start 1" down in the cavity for a cut that was .1" long, then proceed to the minimum start depth of -.15" to begin finishing. It caught me off guard that its first move was into the cavity so I had to pause the machine and double check in back plot.


So lets all join in the hype and shout Hurray Mastercam X5! Okay, enough of that. I'm moving back to X4 MU3 AT LEAST until X5 MU1 comes out. I guess I got suckered into thinking X5 would be stable since it took so long to release it. Apparently I was wrong.

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One thing I didn't mention above is the code on the machine had the dynamic toolpath depth at -2.196". It was just wrong and I don't know how it happened. It really hurts my confidence in what is being posted, which I can't have. This is the main reason I am going back to X4. At least I had good confidence in it.

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Bob, you really should find a way to get this file to mastercam. If what you are saying is true this could cause some big problems. If numbers are being posted that do not match the tool path parameters this could lead to a machine crippling crash at some point. If they cant see what is going on then they cant fix it. If you want to see a working MU1......


Are you able to re-create this issue?

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  • 10 months later...

You know I had a similar problem just the other day. I had a boss that I wanted to do a finish pass on. I told mastercam to use cutter comp wear and leave .010 on the wall. When it cut it cut exactly where I needed to finish at and not where is was suppose to be of .020 oversized on the diameter. The part is alright but it's defiantly not what I told it to do. I looked at all my values even the ones in the controller and they were exactly where they were suppose to be.

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I havent seen this issue since installing MU1. It happened to me several times prior to MU1 so I am assuming that they have fixed the problem.


Wouldnt it be nice if we could just look in the bug fix list and see if it has been addressed?


That would require CNC Software to admit they have bugs. I cannot imagine why they are so secretive about things like this.

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rather then assume.


If you contact them CNC directly through email they should get back to you with a definitive answer.


Maybe you are on to something here. :p


If I were to contact them to find out if every single bug that I encounter had been addressed their inbox would be full of email. Seems like a huge unnecessary waste of our companies time and I would assume theirs as well doesnt it?


Maybe if everyone starts emailing them asking if specific bugs have been addressed they will start releasing a bug list and we wont have to sit around guessing.

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Maybe if everyone starts emailing them asking if specific bugs have been addressed they will

start releasing a bug list and we wont have to sit around guessing.


They want you to email them about potential bugs.


It may not get you a bug list but unless you are a beta tester this is the only way

to find out if they are being addressed. They more bugs that get reported before the

cut off time for the Mu release the more will be fixed before the nest major release.

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They want you to email them about potential bugs.


It may not get you a bug list but unless you are a beta tester this is the only way

to find out if they are being addressed. They more bugs that get reported before the

cut off time for the Mu release the more will be fixed before the nest major release.


I think that we are all beta testers at this point. Some just have more privileges.


I understand where you are coming from and fully agree with you, I just think that they could make it a little easier on us than they do. When I send them an email asking them if this bug has been fixed, what are the chances that they are going to have any idea what in the hell I am talking about? I have no reference number to give to them. I have heard someone mention in here that this bug was logged at some point but that was all the information that I have to go by.

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Nurosis, your last post was quoted on a website

and Bob, a few of your posts are up there too.


This guy really doesn't like Mcam lol...

+ most of what he wrote is simply wrong...

CNC should look at the crap he is writing...


edit, they are talking to him in the comments on that site.... pretty funny stuff out there ...


edit... removed some content... B) didn't realize most already knew about it...

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Nurosis, your last post was quoted on a website "" << just google it and you'll see.

and Bob, a few of your posts are up there too.


This guy Jon Banquer really doesn't like Mcam lol...

+ most of what he wrote is simply wrong...

CNC should look at the crap he is writing...


edit, they are talking to him in the comments on that site.... pretty funny stuff out there ...



Oh great.


I notice that he has quoted quite a few people from this forum. What is that guys deal anyway? Every time I hear something about him it is horribly negative no matter where it comes from.

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Hopefully it doesn't get in the way of people posting issues. It's just obnoxious that he quotes only things that further his agenda. a lot of the information about In-house solutions, (and me personally, haha) is just flat out wrong. As in, he still thinks I 'run' the forum ;) - he's a determined guy with an unfortunately severe personality - I've never, ever been screamed at by someone like he would over the phone at me, and I was the only one on the forum (save for dave but he's long gone) that made even an attempt at forming some kind of understanding with the guy.

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