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Mazak: To force g12.1 output or not


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Guest CNC Apps Guy 1

NOt necessarrily pertaing to Mazak's specifically, but I tell me customers to ALWAYS use the High Speed Commands. There no good reason not to. The controls are made to perform better with it. Usually, canned cycles will not see an advantage to using it so I'll leave it off when OPCODE=3 in Mastercam.



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so i tried some code out today. big fail(no crash of course!)

This is on a Mazak QT350M with C and live toys.


i tried a g12.1 but all i got was an illegal g code alarm. I thought i might not have that option but it lists G13.1 in the active modal commands. Do i have to have a Milling tool specified in the tool data?


Then if i MDI'd g98c180.F1000.00 the c would position to C180 quickly.


in my program however it would go MUCH slower. I looked at the F on the display and it read 10. instead of 1000. ?!?!?!


The program was ignoring/changing all my other feed rate commands too!


is there any reason why it would ignore my feedrate command? I'm ready to tear my hair out!


Could it be the way the tool is set up? I'm new to Mazaks and no one in my shop has run ISO code through the lathes, but maybe it takes the tool definitions alot more seriously in ISO mode than i thought.


the tool was defined as a drill so maybe that could be my problem? I only get limited time to play with these so i don't wanna break down our production setups.


Any help would be greatly appreciated, maybe a g12.1 milling example too :)


Any code examples would be exteeeeeeemly helpfull as i'm new to this machine, c-axis, and live toys. Gotta love learning through the good ole crash course!


thanks a bunch for the help, i'm gonna need it!

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