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Is it just me,or are there others having the same annoying problem.

It doesn't do this all the time,and it has happened with both Mill and Lathe.

But right now I am about ready to destroy something.

Here it is:.....

When I click on "Post" in the Operation Manager,it brings up the usual window asking me to save,overwrite the .nc file etc...

I'll click ok,then it asks me to save the file,still ok,BUT here is the problem:It will post only 1 or 2 ops into Cimco,THEN post the other 2 ops.

It will make 2 different programs from the same .mc9 file.


Can anyone help?

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Guest CNC Apps Guy 1

It does this because you have two (or more) NCI names that are being posted. Make sure all your ops that you want posted together share the same NCI name.



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Thats is because your nci files in operation manager points to the different names.

Select all your operations right click ->options->

change NCI destination -> save them with a common name and your problem will be solved.

This is also a simple way to split your operations to the couple of separate programs ! smile.gif

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Guest CNC Apps Guy 1


damn it James,


I finally could help someone and you beat me.

Look at it this way, we're all in agreement so that just keeps us all in check eh??



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damn it James,


I finally could help someone and you beat me.

James read that a half an hour before you. He has a T3 line, back here in Indiana, we've got all of 56k. You'll never beat him....Who said there was more than corn in Indiana? cheers.gif

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I also ran into that problem. I think it [the NCI file name destinations] got mixed up because the original MC file was created in v9.0, and I toolpathed in v9.1. (Please correct me if I'm wrong- I'm only a stupid man) Thus, missing geometry on my controller screen! Once I updated so all NCI file destinations were 'in sync' the problem was solved. I wish I could say I resolved this problem on my own accord, but lack of experience forced me to contact our Mastercam dealer. I guess I gotta learn as I go along.

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