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file extensions - communications


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Ok, we have one guy here that runs a laser. He is tucked away in another building, well away from our normal DNC setup. He uses mill entry to program the thing, and it works great. He does have 1 issue (as always)

He uses mastercam to communicate/send programs to the machine. The problem (or annoying issue) he is having is when he browses for a program to send, it does not automatically put the ".NC" at the end of his file name. So he has to manually type it in. Life is rough. See the attached screenshot.....note how the file name is there without the extension. He has the choice to either double click on the file (now if he has a bunch of .nc files in a folder I can see this being a slight PITA, browsing through a bunch of files) or he can manually type ".NC" at the end of the file name.


Thing is, it USED to auto-populate the file extension. When I upgraded him to Windows 7 & Mcam X7 is when it stopped. So that tells me it could be a Window issue, or it could be a mastercam issue.


Any thoughts on how I can get it to auto-populate the extension once again?


(I wish I had a life where this was my biggest complaint)


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JMC the extension coming from Mastercam would be controlled by the control definition. That should be a pretty straight forward fix go to the Control Definition through the Machine definition from Settings/Machine Definition and then look to the bottom of the files page in the Control Definition for NC File Extension. Make sure .NC is in there. Save it and close it out and now when it posts code you should get .NC at the end. If you still do not see it then go to Windows Start/Control Panel/Folder Options and make sure to uncheck hide extension for known file types. I would think once it is set u pcorrectly then life should be good again for this person.



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