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Problem with inverse time feedrate


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I'm trying to use the MP Master post for cutting a 4X part. Using 2D contour and axis substitution. The toolpath it self looks good, but the inverse feed output in the ncfile doesn't look correct.



O0000 (13000253-03_ALIGNED)

(T1 - DEFINE TOOL NAMES - H1 - D1 - D16.000mm)

N5 G00 G17 G21 G40 G80 G90

N10 G91 G28 Z0.



N25 G00 G17 G90 G54 B350.951 X0. Y122.038 S1000 M03

N30 G43 H1 Z216.4

N35 Z201.4

N40 G94 G01 Z191.4 F150.

N45 G93 B348.556 F37.5

N50 G94 Y64.58 F300.

N55 Y64.42 B348.557

N60 G93 Y64.322 B348.559 F3065.8

N65 Y64.224 B348.562 F3049.8

section removed

N220 Y62.505 B349.121 F3019.1

N225 Y62.5 B349.158 F2452.6

N230 B349.167 F9906.

N235 B0. F.3

N240 B10.82 F8.3

N245 Y62.503 B10.868 F1864.

N250 Y62.509 B10.898 F3017.2

section removed

N410 Y64.383 B11.443 F3017.9

N415 G94 Y64.506 B11.444 F300.

N420 Y64.537

N425 Y122.038

N430 G93 B9.049 F37.5

N435 G00 Z216.4

N440 M05

N445 G91 G28 Z0.

N450 G28 Y0. B0.

N455 G90

N460 M30



The problem is line N235. Wrap diameter is 382.8 mm. and the feedrate is 300 mm/min. So a B move of 10.833 deg. should give a inverse feed of F8.29.

Line N240 which has a almost identical B move has the correct feed.

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Forgot one thing.


The post is set to "Continuous Axis Type" = "Shortest direction, absolute angle (0-360 deg. )= If I change this to "Signed continuous" the inverse feed gets correct for line N235, but then I get an incorrect B output for my machine.


F0.3 in line N235 would be correct if the machine was rotating the table the long way to B0. ( 349.167 deg. ) So I'm sure this must be a bug in the software.

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