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Rick Henrickson 65

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About Rick Henrickson 65

  • Birthday 02/25/1965

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  1. Do you know how to build a custom holder then? and will it make the overall come out right?
  2. we have one machine that needs the build up of tool, holder, and knuckle. Machine does not use tip control! I made a tool in the mcam file itself with the holder and it post fine. when I select a tool I created in the tool manager (and use tool DB) it is not adding the extension length I added in. I need the full buildup of the holder to post correctly. any help would be appreciated, Thanks
  3. Right click in your ops manager, go down to import, go through the directory to the program you want to import from and select them and hit ok should be good to go.
  4. We are just getting strange outcomes with it, I am still not convinced it is tuned right.
  5. I feel like a total bone head been away from the machines to long, JParis please do not laugh at me. I have some look ahead questions I remember years ago you explained it very well and I have forgotten alot. One question I have is does nanno smoothing work through 5 axis contouring?
  6. lets say you have a 2 foot diameter cylinder lying in the X axis I am cutting on the back side of the cylinder I want to rapid to the front of the cylinder and to a new A position on the way. I get G1 segment code but I would like to have a G3 move from an A negative to an A positive. I know I may not have described very clear so here is another try Lets say it is a horizontal WCS top I position the tool to the center of the tombstone @ BO and a Z12.o now I don't move the tool but just rotate the B to B90. I want to do the same with the 5 axis it would be an X Z move with a J I think and an A start and end position. Thanks ahead of time
  7. Help status bar on bottom of screen went away cant get it back
  8. Are you using the mastercam nesting, or a add in nesting feature?
  9. start with one machine group create a tool path, make a new machine group and copy that tool path to the new machine group. open up the parameters in that group and look at your tool. it turns holder length to ZERO, if you copy from an operation group to another operation group it is ok!
  10. That is really cool, the people down there are great and enthusiastic I enjoyed it there very much. Of course it didnt hurt that it was in the 70's the while time.

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