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Everything posted by Tony35

  1. did you try changing these lines in the post one_rev : 0 #Limit rotary indexing between 0 and 360? (0 = No, 1 = Yes) rot_type : 0 #Rotary type - 0=signed continuous, 1=signed absolute, 2=shortest direction HTH
  2. change this line in your post for pitch use_pitch : 1 #0 = Use feed for tapping, 1 = Use pitch for tapping change this line for G88 sg84 : "G84" #tap - right hand not too sure about the cutter comp thing maybe somebody else can chime in on it
  3. all the logic you need for X style coolant will be in there good luck
  4. yes it might be labeled generic HAAS open it up and see what version its supports this is what mine is # Post Name : Generic Haas 4X Mill.pst # Product : Mill # Machine Name : Haas # Control Name : Hass # Description : Generic 4 Axis Mill Post # 4-axis/Axis subs. : Yes # 5-axis : No # Subprograms : Yes # Executable : MP 13.0
  5. thats why "MP 9.0" you dont have X style coolant logic in that post time to mod a X4 MPHAAS post when you get time did you try the X4 MPHAAS post that installed with MC to see how close it is to the one you are using now?
  6. at the top of the posts what does yours say # Post Name : MPMASTER # Product : MILL # Machine Name : MACHINE MAKINO a71 HMC # Control Name : CONTROL # Description : IHS MASTER GENERIC MILL G-CODE POST # 4-axis/Axis subs. : YES # 5-axis : NO # Subprograms : YES # Executable : MP v11.0 # Post Revision : 11.0.06347 (MC_FULL.MC_MINOR.YYDDD)
  7. how old is your post? you dont have this section? # Coolant output code selection for X style coolant # Note: To enable X style coolant, click on the General Machine Parameters icon # in the Machine Definition Manager, Coolant tab, disable first check box # Output of X style coolant commands in this post is controlled by pcan, pcan1, & pcan2 # This string select is setup using the "Coolant Commands" tab in the "General Machine Parameters" scool50 : "" #Coolant 1 on value scool51 : "" #Coolant 1 off value scool52 : "" #Coolant 2 on value scool53 : "" #Coolant 2 off value scool54 : "" #Coolant 3 on value scool55 : "" #Coolant 3 off value scool56 : "" #Coolant 4 on value scool57 : "" #Coolant 4 off value scool58 : "" #Coolant 5 on value scool59 : "" #Coolant 5 off value scool60 : "" #Coolant 6 on value scool61 : "" #Coolant 6 off value scool62 : "" #Coolant 7 on value scool63 : "" #Coolant 7 off value scool64 : "" #Coolant 8 on value scool65 : "" #Coolant 8 off value scool66 : "" #Coolant 9 on value scool67 : "" #Coolant 9 off value scool68 : "" #Coolant 10 on value scool69 : "" #Coolant 10 off value scoolantx : "" #Target for string
  8. riverracer you can set the tool to use "after" so when you pick the tool it will use the coolant options you have set for that tool i dont know of a way to set after as a default you could maybe set it in the defaults for the ops maybe somebody else could chime in on that i didnt have to alter my post for the m-codes but whatever works for you HTH
  9. search for scool50 it is right above that if you want to force M67 change it here # Coolant M code selection sm09 : "M9" #Coolant Off (Use sm09_0 through sm09_2) sm08 : "M8" #Coolant Flood sm08_1 : "M7" #Coolant Mist sm08_2 : "M8" #Coolant Tool sm09_0 : "M9" #Coolant Flood Off sm09_1 : "M9" #Coolant Mist Off******** sm09_2 : "M9" #Coolant Tool Off scoolant : "" #Target for string HTH
  10. this is from the post # Coolant output code selection for X style coolant # Note: To enable X style coolant, click on the General Machine Parameters icon # in the Machine Definition Manager, Coolant tab, disable first check box # Output of X style coolant commands in this post is controlled by pcan, pcan1, & pcan2 # This string select is setup using the "Coolant Commands" tab in the "General Machine Parameters" HTH
  11. shouldnt have too. did you save the MD and update the MD in MC before posting?
  12. in the MD under the coolant tab edit M code to what you need to shut it off do you have first coolant off command shuts off all coolant radio button checked? here is my coolant tab HTH
  13. in your post if you dont like where the on /off is search for pcan and move it where you want it #pcan #MOVED COOLANT BEFORE DOWN TK if mi1$ = 1, n$, *sm00, e$ ##added for Paper Machinery mjs if stagetool >= zero, [ if omitseq$ = 1 & tseqno > 0, [ if tseqno = 2, n$ = t$ pbld, *n$, *t$, "M6", ptoolcomm, e$ ] else, pbld, n$,*t$, "M6", e$ #remove 8/19/08 mjs, *t$, ptoolcomm MOVED BACK TK 5/26/09 ] #pbld, n$, if toolcount < tooltotal, next_tool$, else, if toolcount >= tooltotal,"T0",e$ #ADDED TOOL 0 TK #pbld, n$, *next_tool$, e$ if nextdc$ <> 3, pbld, n$, pfspindleout, e$ pcan #MOVED COOLANT BEFORE TO HERE TK spaces$=0 this is how i have my makino post setup ignore=off no coolant/air before> is right after spindle on N16 S0 M5 N21 M8***************** N26 M11 with> is right before G54 line N151 M10 N156 M8**************** N161 G0 G90 G54 X-1.6334 Y.9353 after> is right after G43 N281 G43 H1 Z3. T1 N286 M8**************** N291 G94 N296 G5 P10000 X style works good just take a little time and set it up. i have all of our machines coolant/air options setup so i can pick what i want for what operation hope that clears it up a bit
  14. do you have a perpendicular entry? do you have a lead in line for comp to turn on? does the post output G41 on a contour? did you look at the posts side by side to try and see if there is a difference? just thinking out loud hope that helps brotha
  15. thanks eric i keep forgetting about dynamic mill i will have to play around with that toolpath thanks
  16. eric will it plunge outside of the stock chain or does it act like its in a pocket? when i get some time i think this is something i need to play with more
  17. i use it all the time to rough out contours you chain the contour first then the stock profile you can set stepover amount depth of cut etc try it and look at the toolpath it gives you and see if it will work for what you are trying to do HTH
  18. dynamic mill will do contours? i thought it was for pocketing only
  19. X style coolant will do what you want you will have 3 options of where to turn it on (before , with , after) go into the machine def> general machine parameters> coolant commands tab> uncheck support for old posts> edit coolant command as needed> pick your coolant option in MC and see where before, with , after posts to see which one you want to use HTH
  20. and a lot of light cuts +1 on the variable helix
  21. ya you got to watch out for that dog leg rapid move it can bite you in the @ss
  22. i think its a parameter that can be adjusted for degrees of orientation this may help ya FANUC MANUALS LINKY HTH

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