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Everything posted by Tony35

  1. Tony35

    x4 mu1

    you get even more when using x style coolant
  2. config/start-exit/ 2D-3D radio button select 3D then save config HTH
  3. depending on the tolerance of the part/toolpath filter accordingly roughing open up the tolerance (.002) finishing tighten it up (.0005-.0002) make the time to install X4 the tool path refinement works great and it generates much faster HTH
  4. im playing around with contour surface finish right now just need to get the tool defined right to drive it in there thanks for the input i just wanted to make sure there wasnt another toolpath that would work better for lollipop mills
  5. r&d set the slider bars right in the middle (normal , better, normal)you get a good finish and not all the crunch time im sure peon would back me up on that HTH
  6. need a little help here im trying to use a lollipop mill to finish cut this undercut just wondering what toolpaths i should be trying to get it to cut the undercut any thoughts or help would be great the part is round and this is a front view and i dont have multiaxis just level 3 thanks in advance
  7. i always make sure i have the blue line and right click in there
  8. yes do it all the time between groups
  9. be sure you watch where the red arrow is and click there it will give you a blue line then paste HTH
  10. in inventor or mastercam?
  11. i get the same thing in backplot on a HMC it verifies good for some reason its not showing the clearance move for indexing
  12. that is interesting never looked that close at the code
  13. i was wondering what it was X4 has some pretty fast crunch times
  14. what is your tolerance set too? what are the smoothing settings set at?
  15. what version of MC are you running you could filter the toolpath
  16. from what i understand it will be the length of the line segment "facet" so if you are roughing you could increase the line length to shorten up the moves the program makes anybody back me up on that what value will put you in the ballpark depends on what you are doing and what kind of finish you are shooting for HTH
  17. if you find any tips let us know i would sure like to use it more on a family of parts but it always seems to be anchored to the design origin when the new model is brought in so it dont help i think it will work if you dont move the original model so the new one is right on top of the old one but thats just a guess
  18. greg j i have had very little success with it myself you might just want to export your ops and import them on the new solid model and just re-pick the geo JM2C
  19. are you using wear comp it sounds like you are using computer for comp +1 murraymold HTH
  20. no problem did it work out for you
  21. add your line in the peof$ in the post before the M30 pbld, n$, "G0","G90","Y4.0", e$ and take out the line or put a # in front of it pbld, n$, *sg28, "X0.", "Y0.", e$ HTH
  22. maybe im missing something here but when i import ops i dont get all of my tools to import so then i have to check the radio button for duplicate tools checking off i get all my tools but it adds another even if the tool is already used in a previous op ok it did what it is suppose to do example i have one 3/4 varimill T1 in previous ops when i import there is another 3/4 endmill T11 for finishing but all i get is T1 if i turn off duplicate tool check i get another 3/4 varimill T? how can i get my ops to import just as i saved them tool #s the same and it not adding more tools i dont recall having this problem in X3 anybody else seeing this any thoughts or ideas would be great thanks

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