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Everything posted by Tony35

  1. try lowering the tolerance of the stl
  2. or change sav_rot_on_x = 0 to sav_rot_on_x = 1
  3. thanks for all the help peon
  4. on its way thanks buddy
  5. i could email it to ya
  6. still cant get it hey peon you out there a little help buddy
  7. went into one of my ops ticked the "force tool change" button then selected the tool and it stayed checked HTH
  8. you could try the wireframe toolpaths and see if it gives you what you want
  9. im finishing it with surface finish contour the finish has to be very good
  10. i have a surface that is a -.500 deep groove with .051 rads on the bottom of it now when i finish it with a 3/32 ballmill it only goes -.498 deep even if i have cut depths set to -.505 is there a way i can get this tool down to depth or am i just missing something Thanx in advance
  11. dolphin1 it works on my end in X4....i did a contour path clicked the tool and "force tool change" stays on and the code looks good what toolpath were you using? a little more info could help
  12. thanks lars it works with V9 style but not X i think i will send a file in too
  13. i havent seen that one.....i just get the coolant not updating using X style coolant i have to pick the tool then go to coolant and pick what i want again
  14. project to plane > simplify > 2D contour with ramp is this what you mean HTH
  15. what i have done is as soon as i picked the path i saved right away and if it dont stick do it again and it seems to work i know what you are talking about be sure you dont have 2 of the same .set files in the same file HTH
  16. in the the control def i have it set to have the correct setup sheet for that machine (see pic) just browse for the file you want to use and save the path HTH
  17. just force it in where you want it i have a setup sheet for each machine and when that machine is active the files are set to get the correct setup sheet "WORK COORDINATE :" "G54" e$ "SET X ZERO AT :" e$ "SET Y ZERO AT :" e$ "SET Z ZERO AT :", "FACE OF PART" e$ posted code from setup sheet WORK COORDINATE :G54 SET X ZERO AT : SET Y ZERO AT : SET Z ZERO AT :FACE OF PART HTH
  18. i get the same as beardog
  19. make sure you click on the file type first in setup then pick the colors HTH
  20. ted here is a linky that might help HPCC ON OR OFF

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