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Everything posted by Tony35

  1. i am just wondering why you cant have thru spindle air on a haas it has taper clean off air blow and air thru to flush out the TSC its been awhile since i ran a haas
  2. on the kitamuras and makino we have here they have m code for thru spindle air did you look to see if haas has one?
  3. your welcome those are from my fanuc macro book
  4. R means roughing or redo i never use R always IJK i had to many problems with out of round issues use IJK and all was good
  5. current position variables abs #5041=x #5042=y #5043=z #5044=a or b machine #5021-#5024 dist to go #5001-#5004 HTH
  6. thanks colin i will play around with that and see what happens
  7. jim there was no .ERR files in there so there must have been no errors?
  8. did you analyze chain? sounds like you have a gap somewhere in the chain i have run into this before and the gap was like .0002 trim them together or connect the points then re analyze chain to see that it is 1 chain HTH
  9. i think i got it i removed dwell from pdrill_2 pdrill_2$ #Canned Drill Cycle, additional points dwell$, #REMOVED DWELL IN PDRILL2 TK pdrlcommonb pcan1, pbld, n$, pdrlxy, pzout, pcout, pindexdrl, prdrlout, feed, strcantext, e$ pcom_movea thanks for the help guys
  10. where can i find this .ERR file?
  11. thats what i tried with the code above
  12. john i took out the * and i lost the dwell in the boring cycle and still have the P0000 in the XY line code N2661M8 N2666G98G89X-4.3301Y2.5Z-.53R.1F3.---no dwell N2671X-4.3301Y-2.5 N2676X0.Y-5. N2681X4.3301Y-2.5 N2686X4.3301Y2.5 N2691X0.Y5. N2696G80 N2701G94 N2706M9 N2711G91G28Z0. N2716M1 (3/4 SPOT DRILL TOOL - 1 DIA. OFF. - 1 LEN. - 1 DIA. - .75) N2721T1M6 N2726M50 (CHIP FLUSH ON) N2731S1200M3 N2736G0G17G90G54X4.8301Y0. N2741G43H1Z6.T8 N2746M8 N2751G98G81X4.8301Y0.Z-.14R.1F3. N2756X6.3298Y-1.2504P0000---dwell in XY line N2761X4.247Y-4.857 N2766X2.415Y-4.183 from what i can see the XY lines are coming from here in the post but i dont get how it can be putting in P0000 pdrlxy #Drill XY coordinates if force_dpts, pfxout, pfyout, else, pxout, pyout,
  13. john should i remove the * before the dwell the drilling cycle after the boring cycle has no dwell here is my pdrill cycle pdrill$ #Canned Drill Cycle pdrlcommonb pcan1, pbld, n$, *sgdrlref, *sgdrill, pdrlxy, pfzout, pcout, pindexdrl, prdrlout, [if dwell$, *dwell$], *feed, strcantext, e$ pcom_movea
  14. i need a little help here i am getting a dwell output in my canned drilling cycle on the XY line after using dwell in the previous op snippet of code using mpmaster N2656G43H7Z6.T1 N2661M8 N2666G98G89X-4.3301Y2.5Z-.53R.1P1000F3.---dwell ok N2671X-4.3301Y-2.5 N2676X0.Y-5. N2681X4.3301Y-2.5 N2686X4.3301Y2.5 N2691X0.Y5. N2696G80 N2701G94 N2706M9 N2711G91G28Z0. N2716M1 (3/4 SPOT DRILL TOOL - 1 DIA. OFF. - 1 LEN. - 1 DIA. - .75) N2721T1M6 N2726M50 (CHIP FLUSH ON) N2731S1200M3 N2736G0G17G90G54X4.8301Y0. N2741G43H1Z6.T8 N2746M8 N2751G98G81X4.8301Y0.Z-.14R.1F3. N2756X6.3298Y-1.2504P0000------ not needed N2761X4.247Y-4.857 N2766X2.415Y-4.183 any ideas where this is coming from thanks in advance
  15. can you threadmill it? dont know if the form tap would chip the cast iron out on entry if not just google "chips out of 3/8-16 holes"
  16. since nobody chimmed in i will take a stab at it i dont have any angle head exp. but do you have your planes set right? machine def set correctly for the angle head? post setup for angle head? you have multi axis on MC? hopefully that helps get ya in the right direction if not looks like a fun toy to play with anyway HTH welcome to the forum
  17. did you try disabling the new arc filter
  18. turn off linearize output in the ramp options box
  19. you could try transform rotate and just rotate the toolpaths if i understand you correctly HTH
  20. i dont trust verbose , check your depths with backplot or backplot the code in cimco HTH welcome to the forum
  21. mls i got a chance to try all points on a cam curve i took the geometry and broke many pieces (.001 long lines) to rough the slot i used peel mill and the feed was at programmed feedrate 81 ipm when i semi finished the walls the feed was only at 20 ipm not 81 ipm it could only process the points so fast but it did look good i need to have a very good finish on the cam curve so i am going to hard mill finish it and hopefully all the points will benefit when i milled out my clearance slot (spline) i got the programmed feedrate but was faceted a bit the machine ran very smooth with sgi and all the points it seems to depend on the geometry and what you are trying to do in some cases points are faster in others arcs are better any other input is welcome
  22. did you setup the mpmaster post for rotary? is your machine def defined with a rotary axis?
  23. what icon are you talking about so i can try it for ya in X3 MU1

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