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Everything posted by Tony35

  1. in the control def under files you will see the box that says file usage click on the ones you want to change and set them for the files on the network HTH
  2. thanks dave and colin that did the trick
  3. look for this line in the post i marked it with >>>>> pncoutput #Movement output pcom_moveb comment$ if coolant$ <> 0 & coolant$ <> sav_coolant, [ pbld, n$, sm09, e$ sav_coolant = coolant$ ] if coolant$ = 1, sm09 = sm09_0 if coolant$ = 2, sm09 = sm09_1 if coolant$ = 3, sm09 = sm09_2 >>>>>>#if cool_zmove = yes$ & (nextop$=1003 | (nextop$=1011 & t$<>abs(nexttool))), coolant$ = zero #REMOVED COOLANT ON /OFF TK pcan if cuttype = zero, ppos_cax_lin #Toolplane rotary positioning if gcode$ = zero, prapidout HTH
  4. colin i did a search a few weeks ago and came up with no answer i searched under manual entry
  5. from what i have found out playing around with it is its just a standard comment string so no you cant move it and it sucks! i am in the same boat as you cobra i would like to have manual entry first so i can call the ata card but maybe i am missing something here if anyone has got this figured out yet let us know
  6. turk linky for mastercam vs cimco MC vs CIMCO
  7. what if you made them if mi4$ if mi4$ = 1, hood_adj = auto_hood if mi4$ = 2, hood_adj = mi4$
  8. edgecam support SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its ok for basic stuff thats it the turning side is ok but the milling side will make you pull your hair out we still run edgecam here for turning but after getting bad code for the mills i got them to switched to mastercam its feature based BS you have to create the features (surfs) when you chain it thinks it knows what way you want to go but its always wrong if you change something on the model and have to regen it will cut on the wrong side plus no high speed toolpaths my blood pressure is starting to climb i cant talk about edgecam anymore best of luck
  9. i am no post guru but you could try if mi4$ <> 1, hood_adj = auto_hood <> means equals HTH
  10. file > file merge/pattern > select stl file this will bring in the stl file to use as stock HTH welcome to the forum
  11. i just took a quick look at it is this what you are looking for a macro program N101 T1 M6 ( 3/4 CARBID W./R.06 EM ) G0 G17 G90 G54 X-.5303 Y2.5 S10000 M3 G43 H1 Z8. G0 Z.1 (CLEARANCE JUMP) M8 #33=1 (COUNTER) #100=0.25 (DEPTH OF CUT ) WHILE[#33 LE2] DO1 G0X-.5303 Y2.5 G1 Z-#100 F300. G41 D31 X-.2652 Y2.2348 F150. G3 X0. Y2.125 I.2652 J.2652 G1 X1.75 G2 X2.125 Y1.75 J-.375 G1 Y-1.75 G2 X1.75 Y-2.125 I-.375 G1 X-1.75 G2 X-2.125 Y-1.75 J.375 G1 Y1.75 G2 X-1.75 Y2.125 I.375 G1 X0. G3 X.2652 Y2.2348 J.375 G1 G40 X.5303 Y2.5 G0 Z.1 #33=#33+1 (ADD TO COUNTER) #100=#100+.25(DEPTH CUTS) END1 #33=#0 (CLEAR VARIABLE) #100=#0 (CLEAR VARIABLE) G0 Z8. G91 G28 Y0.0 Z0.0 M1 M30
  12. viper1 i have never had good luck with using R values i have had out of round issues with using it so i always use I and J as far as the cutter comp thing the machine does not like to turn it on with an arc you need to have a G01 linear move to turn it on/off, on some older machines the distance it needed to move had to be greater than the offset amount
  13. spade you have one or all of your ops planes wrong (you must be on a hmc) example wcs = top c/t plane = front wcs is what the pallet rotates about c/t planes are your indexes HTH
  14. quote: what tools will cut ceramic? diamond
  15. sorry un check support coolant using coolant value in post options 4-10 should be active to edit HTH
  16. i didnt know you were set as top (front) i would get your reseller to get that posts tweaked in for ya good luck
  17. x style coolant will do the trick under your machine def/parameters/coolant/ check use x style coolant and edit the coolant tabs for M88 on M89 off save and in the under the coolant button in your ops you will see all the coolant options HTH
  18. LOL @ murray heavy check the specs on the tool for max ramp angle
  19. ran into this same bs with my edgecam hasp they wanted way too much for a usb hasp so the key just lays here on the desk and i cant open old files so i have to reprogram them in MC i even bought a card to put in the puter to read the hasp and it was a no go
  20. cnc apps guy can i ask why you run HPCC on all the time i was thinking about doing this too. pros/cons of doing it
  21. connormac in your post search for pheader and look for this line (MPMASTER POST) sav_rot_on_x = 1 #SET TO 1 FORCE B OUTPUT WITH NO INDEX change it to 1 and it should force B output give that a try
  22. your welcome when i tried to post the ops it gave me a error select machine with y axis blah blah thats why i created a new top to see the code and it looked ok but if the angle was off from the previous op well then it wont line up good luck
  23. connormac i turned off rotary axis button on the first op and created a new top view for center of rotation and reselected all the planes(for index) and it looks good here is some of the code i posted with my kitamura HX500i post if you want i can send you the file back or code i have when i created the new top view i rotated it 90 deg about x axis so z axis is up so MC knows what to rotate about hope this helps you out N11G30X0.Y0. N16M28 (CHIP CONVEYOR ON) (3/32" 2 FLUTE CARBIDE EM TOOL - 1 DIA. OFF. - 1 LEN. - 1 DIA. - .09375) (MILL TOP) N21T1M6 N26S12000M3 N31M11 N36G0G90G56B0. N41M10 N46G0G17G90G56X.2406Y.3326 N51G43H1Z8. N56Z5.03 N61G94G1Z4.9F10. N1191G40X.0735Y.4189 N1196G0Z8. N1201G91G30Z0. (MILL SLOT ON B33.53° SIDE) N1206S10000M3 N1211M11 N1216G0G90G57B33.53 N1221M10 N1226G43H1Z8. N1231X-2.7518Y1.813 N1236Z4.2096 N1241G1Z4.0902F3. N3516X-2.7421Y1.8179 N3521G40X-2.7468Y1.813 N3526G0Z8. N3531G91G30Z0. (MILL SLOT ON B-33.53° SIDE) N3536S6000M3 N3541M11 N3546G0G90G58B326.47 N3551M10 N3556G43H1Z8. N3561X2.7415 N3566Z4.2096 [ 04-17-2009, 01:59 PM: Message edited by: Tony35 ]

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