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Everything posted by Tony35

  1. thanks for the input mls i am still trying to get this figured out of when to use it and when to not
  2. mls what i should of said about the "contour" is that the contour is all arcs. so if i understand this correctly then points would benefit to keep the feed up?
  3. [mild hijack] quote: using the point generator mls is this in 3 axis toolpaths too? i would like to get all points for my makino sgi what would you guys do if it was a contour "break many pieces"? or something else [mild hijack off]
  4. ok i got it fixed now (thank you chris b from mastercam) i had to change my verify settings Go into Settings / Configuration / Verify Settings (underneath Verify Interface) and disable the “Disable hardware acceleration” checkbox. thanks for the help guys
  5. thanks gcode i feel like a moron now i was digging thru setup
  6. for some reason i cant find where to turn this off when i start typing it puts a in a space example say i want to edit X5 when i drop in the cursor and type 5 it puts a space what i want G00 X5 Y5 Z5 what i get G00 X 5 Y5 Z5 any ideas thanks in advance
  7. just tried it... still no go
  8. gcode yes i have "use true solid" checked on i tried it both ways when i am in the MC side i have no problems just verify
  9. well hopefully it gets worked out(vista mastercam whatever) me getting a different puter is not going to happen im on the bottom of the list now and if 2nd shift didnt use this puter i would put my own card in thanks for the help john
  10. john i tried that driver still no go i wonder if its a verify thing with mastercam not the card/driver it just sucks not being able to move the model in verify
  11. john yes i have mu1 i will look into that on monday
  12. i downloaded the latest here is a pic of what i am getting
  13. got a new computer with vista 64 bit and qaudro fx 3700 graphics card when in verify if i move the model(stl file) with my 3d connextion or mouse the screen goes back to mastercam then back to verify or it just stays on mastercam screen till the tool moves past to update the screen anybody else seeing this or am i just going nuts any thoughts on how to fix it thanks in advance
  14. greg i will look into that thanx
  15. is there a way i can just get that for surface toolpaths only?
  16. hello all i have sgi on my makino a71 now and i dont want arcs to be output just XYZ moves i have the filter off how do i get just the XYZ output? these are surface toolpaths thanks in advance
  17. in misc values do you have "lock on first wcs" checked to 1 where it stops posting work offsets?
  18. what plane are you in G17 G18 G19? if you take the K value out do you still get the alarm?
  19. you can pass variable info with G65 or call a prog like you have (main) (pass variable info to a macro program) G65 P1000 A.500 X1.0 Y2.0 Z3.0 (variable letters to variable numbers) A=#1 X=#24 Y=#25 Z=#26 (variable table) #1=.500 #24=1.0 #25=2.0 #26=3.0 O1000(macro sample) IF[#24GT#25]GOTO100 G00 X#24 Y#25 G43 H1 Z#26 (REST OF PROGRAM) # # N100 M99 if you have a book you can look up the macro variable numbers/letters #1-#26 local variable cleared when reset #100-#149 common variable cleared with power off or reset depending on parameters #500-#530 common variable saved when power off not cleared with reset sorry for the quick crash course in macro all my books are at work (im at home) so this is off the top of my head hope that helps ya
  20. quote: I think his name is "jb"? fissed
  21. well i was close but the book i had was for 16i glad you got it worked out how did you find out it was para 4077?
  22. no the ops were created in X3 using X style coolant i was looking at some of my tools and some of the coolant options did not save so that might be the issue have to wait till i import ops again and see if that fixed it
  23. its hit or miss, some tools are fine others are not im going to look at the tools coolant settings the next time i import ops to see what the default is i set it to. not that it did not save it or something

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