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Posts posted by CamMan1

  1. I do take the point about bi-directional communication and we're taking a few steps to change that. I've talked to a number of you about some of things we are doing. We are active here and we listen to the feedback and act accordingly where we can. We are much more active on the beta forum, so please join up on the beta program if you would like to get more involved. For various reasons it is difficult to talk about details of product futures in a public forum, however do publish details of bug fixes and customer requested enhancements with each update.


    Camman1, A number of us here at CNC have offered help through web meetings to go through your issues, but you have not accepted the help on offer. It's very difficult to understand your issues without good data and a discussion around it to understand the context. I accept you might not have the time, but you have plenty of time to 'contribute' here. The offer still stands. Let me know your customer details so I can work with your reseller to help you out.






    Sent 17 September 2013 - 08:22 PM

    Camman1, I've been working my way through some of your posts with a couple of people here. We'd like to help you out and get to the bottom of the issues you've been experiencing. I've had two people here contact you to see if we can arrange a web meeting to go so we can listen and see if we can help out. I know this takes time which you may not have, but if you make some time I would appreciate the input and the opportunity to resolve this.


    If you don't have the time, but could send in some examples or more detail then please do - email [email protected] and mark it for my attention and we'll be sure to look in to it and get back to you.




    David Boucher

    Product Development


    -------------------------------------------Reply Removed--------------------------


    CamMan1, thanks for the reply. I understand the frustration and we're here to help. I've been spending some time going back through threads but haven't found enough to pin point specific issues and make me feel that we have understood or solved your problem.


    I can see you have issues with verify resolution, but there are different things at play depending on the nature of the part - increasing the precision factor will help, but there are other things we're fine tuning from a development side. For some other things, we need to better understand your workflow, because we're not seeing some of these things in test conditions. We can also go through some things on stock model and any other topics you would like to cover.


    I'd also like to get your reseller involved so can you let me have your company details so I can follow up with them. We will do everything we can do get you up and running to your satisfaction.


    I've checked a couple of calendars - anytime between 1 to 3 pm EST looks good as far as I can see, but will confirm if you can be available during that window. Please let me know.





    David Boucher

    Product Manager

    CNC Software, Inc


    Sent 20 September 2013 - 02:18 PM

    Just a follow up on this CamMan1, we'd here to help, so please let me have your customer information so we can arrange a session with you, CNC Software and your reseller tech support team.






    Sorry I am busy WORKING. I can't help the fact that I don't have any free time right now. This reply looks more like a public flogging to embarrass me then a helping hand.

  2. CamMan1 I am sorry but I am not seeing the difference. I see you think tool 1 is picked, but everything else says and shows Tool 9. When you post the operations what do you get for tool output? Is it supposed to be tool 1 and not tool 9? Sorry, but those picture and your lack of a real idea leaves me asking more questions.


    Operation 16 shows 3/4 (.750) diameter end mill. Operation tab for operation 16 shows 1/2 (.500) end mill selected and wrong holder selected. You actually think that is okay? So what if it does post fine. It's not right. Things like that are where you end up crashing machines or scrapping parts. This is typical of what we have gotten used to.

  3. Well I think the majority that complain, like me, are upset about the fact that there are so many features that do not function correctly and need a workaround. It has got to the point where everyone has become adept using workarounds. If the features that have had bugs for years would just get ironed out that would probably please the majority. No one can say without laughing at themselves that it was alright to release UVBS without a Front End. Come on. I to have made a good living using Mastercam, but with this release my work proficiency has gone backwards not forward as you would hope with a new release. Just my Opinion.

  4. Well I am sorry Aaron but I have been swamped and I have not had any free time lately. One of our programmers was diagnosed with cancer and I have been pulling double duty while he gets his chemo treatments. Our other part time programmer/owner has been busy with our new building addition. Only reason I have a breather right now is 2 machines are being worked on but I will be swamped again in an hour. I will try and make some time.

  5. Doesn't have it. Another UVBS issue. Along with the fact it doesn't diplay the cutter comp correctly either. When you have cutter comp turned off it still shows that it is turned on. In my opinion it should say "Off". The "Feedrate should be displayed under Verbose.

  6. To be ISO compliant you need to save your mcx and nc files in a directory structure containing customer then part number and revision status. We store our mcx files so that whoever programs the part files is the only one to have write access (saves pointing fingers). We also store mcx and nc files in seperate locations for better access control. We aslo have a proof directory and a production directory. Programs proven out are moved to the production directory after everything has been bought off.

    • Like 1
  7. If you're not doing mold work with mastercam the verify being faster and able to handle much bigger files without crashing is a huge improvement to people. If people are happy with something they almost never create an account on the forum and start a thread about it (some people who already have an account do). So mostly here you hear negative feedback, but useful none the less.


    One thing that I don't understand is why there isn't a user interface for changing <PrecisionFactor>1.0</PrecisionFactor> (from the XML file... mine is now set at 2.5)


    the slider changes the precision but there is still artifacts that are way too large for almost any cutting work. you can accurate zoom, but without knowing being able to see where the problem is due to the triangulation, what's the point? I would rather run the verify 2x as long, and do other work in the process and only have to check it once, rather than be zooming in and out of regions trying to find my problem. Maybe that's just me??


    No it's not just you. I also have my Pfactor set at 2.5. That has been my biggest complaint about UVBS from the start is the initial visual quality. Even with the Pfactor at 2.5 I get a lot of visual artifacts that look like they may be a false cut. And even at a Pfactor of 2.5 on the large parts I do they are huge artifacts so I still find myself doing a lot of zooming and unzooming. It seems like the precision is somehow scaled to the size of the part. The other problem with running the Pfactor at 2.5 is the load times for a large part with a lot of toolpath. Sometimes it is unbearable when you are in a hurry.

  8. Aaron,

    I am sorry if you believe I am being Excessively Negative but when about 70% of my life is spent in front of this software I believe I have a right to express my concerns about the direction Mastercam is going. When something has changed so drastically from one release to another that it has completely disrupted my workflow it also effects my life. Our company had no forewarning of the impending change (doom) that our maintenance purchase would bestow upon us. I am not saying that everything in X7 is a failure, just the implementation of UVBS.

  9. I would like to know how CNC Software makes the decisions they do. Like the way they implemented everything in UVBS (Verify) for X7. Is it from feedback from a handful of beta testers and fanbois or the general user base. I sure had know idea that they were going to do what they did with the verification. If I had known we might not have paid maintenance. But that was probably the plan. Get us to pay our maintenance and they "shovel" us this release. I'm with you Buddy J I have gone back to X6.

  10. I couldn't get it to work. Do both instances of drawMode in that line need to be changed?


    <?xml version="1.0"?>

    <SimulationSettings xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" Version="v1.0">

































































































    <CustomSettings xsi:type="UbvsCustomSettings">

































































  11. I agree that it is a PITA but I think it is a MAJOR PITA especially when you have a large file to verify and you forget to grab a manual entry with your ops then you have to switch to 5AX and let it recalculate again. Hopefully we will get a frontend for UVBS sometime in the near future. I still can't believe they didn't release a Service Pack with that in it. I have gone back to X6 for the time being because of all the UVBS flaws. Hopefully they will all be fixed in the next release. HaHa.

  12. I worked with our reseller on this one.


    In the XML file, line 102 drawMode, needs to be "Toolnumber".


    Thanks man.

    I tried every variation of "tool change" I could think of because that is what is listed in the options. I never thought of trying "tool number".

  13. I have the same issue and it drives me crazy because I want it defaulted to "Tool Change" also. From what I seen in the XML file it looks like that option is not being driven from the XML file at this point. I have asked the powers that be to jump in on this one before and no answers.

  14. ROn - can you use the stock model for this operation instead of saving STL files?


    Here we are again talking about stock models for verification. This has been brought up before. They do work okay for verification as long as you don't have very many stock models in your ops manager. If you are at all human we make mistakes and if you have to change something 5 stock models back now you have to sit and wait to regen all 5 if you have done them sequentially. Don't get me wrong, stock models have there place especially for rest roughing and such but they are not effecient enough for verification. I would like to have my useable STL's back.

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