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Everything posted by MIL-TFP-41

  1. I still am curious about this potential issue. I have tried to duplicate tho I cannot manage....Maybe I am doing things different?
  2. Joe, can you throw up a quick sample? I would like to test that w/ our post. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. change to this...the mi1$ is whats thrrowing you off. I am guessing you are using G54's ptlchg$ #Tool change pcuttype toolchng = one pfbld, n$, *sg28ref, "Y0.", e$ ## pfbld, n$, sg92, *yh$, *zh$, e$ <- don't really need this I think if prog_stop = 1, pbld, n$, *sm01, e$ if prog_stop = 2, pbld, n$, *sm00, e$ and just change the header to this...quick & dirty pheader$ #Call before start of file # if subs_before, " ", e$ #header character is output from peof when subs are output before main # else, "%", e$ # sav_spc = spaces$ # spaces$ = 0 # *progno$, sopen_prn, sprogname$, sclose_prn, e$ # #sopen_prn, "PROGRAM NAME - ", sprogname$, sclose_prn, e$ # sopen_prn, "DATE=DD-MM-YY - ", date$, " TIME=HH:MM - ", time$, sclose_prn, e$ #Date and time output Ex. 12-02-05 15:52 # #sopen_prn, "DATE - ", month$, "-", day$, "-", year$, sclose_prn, e$ #Date output as month,day,year - Ex. 02-12-05 # #sopen_prn, "DATE - ", *smonth, " ", day$, " ", *year2, sclose_prn, e$ #Date output as month,day,year - Ex. Feb. 12 2005 # #sopen_prn, "TIME - ", time$, sclose_prn, e$ #24 hour time output - Ex. 15:52 # #sopen_prn, "TIME - ", ptime sclose_prn, e$ #12 hour time output 3:52 PM # spathnc$ = ucase(spathnc$) # smcname$ = ucase(smcname$) # stck_matl$ = ucase(stck_matl$) # snamenc$ = ucase(snamenc$) # sopen_prn, "MCX FILE - ", *smcpath$, *smcname$, *smcext$, sclose_prn, e$ # sopen_prn, "NC FILE - ", *spathnc$, *snamenc$, *sextnc$, sclose_prn, e$ # sopen_prn, "MATERIAL - ", *stck_matl$, sclose_prn, e$ # spaces$ = sav_spc
  4. gcode, I was using it a little different than your sample. I was getting a line of an existing point, not a point off a line. you are correct tho, the results are way different. I even tried making a line off the points you created, and that result is different.....hopefully Ron will track something down.
  5. Oddly enough, I was just using it yesterday and it worked fine...and ran across this post. I did have to unshade the surface in order to pick the point tho.
  6. Verisurf pierce. easy peasy. http://www.emastercam.com/board/index.php?showtopic=74477 https://www.verisurf.com/pdf/Verisurf_Tools.pdf
  7. Ron is correct, you really don't need to use the custom parameters to do what you are wanting to do. Its almost as easy or even easer to do something like arcdia = peck1$ or whatever. I was lost on these for a while & reading the post section of this forum has gave me all the info I need. For a great example for what some have done with custom cycles...search gundrill in that section of the forum. Thats what gave me my start into understanding these.....
  8. OK....I didn't know that CAMplete supported anything other than the 5 axis flavors of Matsurra's....this is worth looking into!
  9. In my limited playing with machsim and this machine, I have found that this setting in the attached screenshot gets rid of the pallet flipping upsidedown. Now why there is even a A axis defined I don't know. I am also playing with making my own machine....have not got to far with that yet. Oddly enough it is a 630mm horizontal I want to attempt (Matsuura H-plus630)
  10. just installed it. crossing fingers and looking for the "whats new" file
  11. rack drive on all axis...interesting.
  12. In most if not all 5 axis toolpaths you have the option of outputting in 4 axis via the toolpath parameters. Additionally, you can use rotary limits to limit the motion to 4 axis moves only.
  13. I will gladly rock it with an old school mouse and be stable. PC-DMIS & Calipso have both left such a bad taste in my mouth....its good to see that I am far from being the only one. The Nikon stuff is so much easier to use also....and no importing IGES files....uses parasolids.
  14. Yea no sh!t. All of the packages I have seen (including PC-DMIS & Calipso) are the most crash prone packages I have ever seen. The maintenance costs are completely insane too. Plus, with PC-DMIS, if you miss a year of maintenance, you must pay all the back years to get current. Miss 5 years? no problem. $20,000. On our manual CMM's we do run the Nikon software, it seems to be MUCH better than the PC-DMIS. We are looking into converting our Brown & Sharp to run the Nikon software.
  15. I have never had an issue running the registry cleaner in ccleaner. It gives you an option to backup the registry before it cleans all the sh!t out, so you are pretty safe running it. I say go for it.
  16. Try running ccleaner. Sounds like something is up in the registry. https://www.piriform.com/ccleaner
  17. I have played with it with limited success. The documentation sucks b@lls. Is there a tutorial on making a machine from scratch?
  18. We have a 5ax machine that will wind up and will unwind if you command "G91 G28 C0.". I found that if we commanded "G0 G90 G53 C0." it just went to zero point without unwinding. Yasnac J-300 control.
  19. If you are losing way covers to rust I hate to think of what else might be going to sh!t because of it.
  20. try changing the Axis Type to "Signed Continuous"
  21. Yikes! Have your coolant rep stop by...these guys are usually way helpful....I will agree with everyone above....way acidic PH level and concentration WAY off. That is possibly the fugliest table I have ever seen!
  22. Manual scrolling 3 jaw? Bison has always served us well. Easy to find soft jaws...and easy to make also.
  23. Change your system tolerance to .0001
  24. Ron is correct here. Being from Canada you don't even need a visa to enter the US...one advantage there. I am not sure you even need an I-9. http://canada.usembassy.gov/visas/information-for-canadians/canadians-requiring-visas.html sounds like a fun opportunity...small, growing shops are the best.
  25. Ok, we have one guy here that runs a laser. He is tucked away in another building, well away from our normal DNC setup. He uses mill entry to program the thing, and it works great. He does have 1 issue (as always) He uses mastercam to communicate/send programs to the machine. The problem (or annoying issue) he is having is when he browses for a program to send, it does not automatically put the ".NC" at the end of his file name. So he has to manually type it in. Life is rough. See the attached screenshot.....note how the file name is there without the extension. He has the choice to either double click on the file (now if he has a bunch of .nc files in a folder I can see this being a slight PITA, browsing through a bunch of files) or he can manually type ".NC" at the end of the file name. Thing is, it USED to auto-populate the file extension. When I upgraded him to Windows 7 & Mcam X7 is when it stopped. So that tells me it could be a Window issue, or it could be a mastercam issue. Any thoughts on how I can get it to auto-populate the extension once again? (I wish I had a life where this was my biggest complaint)

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