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Everything posted by MIL-TFP-41

  1. I forgot to add that at the first of the line on my post "if vmc = 0" is NOT there on the original MPMASTER. I added it there because we use the same post for many different machines, both horizontal & vertical. The horizontals I want this posted out 100% of the time....verticals only when it is used. Glad it worked for you.
  2. If its an MPMASTER post this is normal behavior. Look for this line in the PWRTT section if vmc = 0, sav_rot_on_x = rot_on_x #Uncomment this line to output rotary axis value even when it's not used
  3. We use a mix of simple green & water....seems to work pretty good.
  4. Gotta love Fanuc's secrecy....I have read stories about their plant in Japan...the place is tighter than Ft. Knox. Then I have had more than one Fanuc tech stumped and because Fanuc has this crazy hierarchy it took days to get the problem solved rather than minutes.
  5. but a 6 year old can be an accomplished programmer!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RS0pRQX93lc
  6. These 2 lines in MDI G40 G49 G5.1 Q0 That order works on one of our machines here. Something about canceling after the height offset is canceled IIRC
  7. 2d HST paths do not use multi-threading. And...if this is a 2d path....one would think you could just share your geometry that only relates to this opetation. A basic wireframe is pretty tough to call proprietary.
  8. It can be drilled with HSS & tapped...cobalt is even better here. Tapping....you better be using something other than water soluble coolant. Carbide drills smoke everything & the tool life can be great.....unfortunately not every feature can be threadmilled....having an M00 in your program along with a note for the operator to use tapping fluid is a must.
  9. I can say i have seen very similar behavior on our MAM & H-Plus 630...both running 30i's. Caught them before the bang....but yes this is a real issue.
  10. Mitsubishi AJX cutters (their high feed flavor) eats this stuff for breakfast. Dynamic paths also work very well. I have never found this stuff particularly tough to deal with....very predictable tool life.
  11. It does work very nicely...I just discovered this a week or so ago. While using it....I highly recommend changing your toolchange macro to make sure it re-orients itself back to zero....kinda makes it fail safe.
  12. That would require CNC Software to admit they have bugs. I cannot imagine why they are so secretive about things like this.
  13. I would go with the Nak...all things considered. CamPlete being a big selling point....then knowing that many other MTB's use Nak's to make their spindles & such. Don't look away from mori either...great machines & they come with Esprit which is infinitely more capable at programming these things than Mastercam can dream of being.
  14. You should be able to modify your post using very similar arguments from my above post. Basically (or exactly) you are telling your post that if the tool number is = to 150, then don't output that stuff. A quick glance at your code...looks like you have your speed callout and your spindle on callout on different lines....so they would be on different lines of your post. so you would add something like this to your "Tool Call" Line blah blah blah ( if not( t$ = 150 ), *speed ), e$ and on your next line (Line 23) blah blah blah ( if not ( t$ = 150 ), *spindle ), e$ [edit] changed syntax
  15. Like Bryan said, as long as your probe is always the same tool number (which is a good idea anyways) it is easy to do. see here.... http://www.emastercam.com/board/index.php?showtopic=62775&st=0&p=705872&hl=probe&fromsearch=1entry705872
  16. Speaking of Destiny tools....The Raptor DVH would be a direct competitor to the varimill/ powerfeed/ z-carb/ ect. My initial testing are showing very positive results. By far the most impressive "variable" tool that I have run would be This Guy. However, their prices make the Destiny look like a bargan basement tool.
  17. Just for the hell of it once I linearized an 4" dia circle to a .0005 tolerance. Came out with zero facets on the test and round within .0002....or basically the same as what I get if I program it with a G2 or G3 move. Amazing stuff
  18. There is alot more to the Seimens look ahead look ahead than a 5000 block capability. The way i had it explained to me is as follows (keep in mid these are all on Matsurra's) The "Standard" IZ1 consists of a 100 block look ahead , jerk control, feed forward, better acc/dec etc The "High End" IZ1/COMP has a 500 block look ahead , jerk control, etc but even more importantly this option includes COMPCAD COMPCAD actually converts the standard linear blocks of your program into a Nurbs or spline type program internally on the fly, this allows the control to COMPress up to 50 linear blocks of code into 1 (spline) block of code This means that this control may only have to process 1 block while the other guys control has to process up to 50 blocks to do the same thing This also means the 500 block look ahead is really allot more than 500 blocks The results are shorter cycle time, smoother motion and a better looking part, this also cuts down the number of points needed in your part program witch allows you to open up your cam tolerance a bit....So it uses even less code than a Fanuc to generate the same path. Now the downside to COMPCAD comes when you are using a simultanious 5 axis toolpath with a feedrate on every line.Because it compress so many lines into one, your feedrates are out the door. I have to either turn it off in the control before running a 5ax path or use TRAORI (Siemens flavor of RTCP)
  19. 5ax circlemill is pretty much worthless because of this. It is a great idea with a quick & dirty approach. What is the point of linearizing all the moves?
  20. well....what if you have a part that is 60 X 60 X 60 and 15000 lbs? The basic theory still works, cut & flip...tho I can tell ya, flipping a 15000lb forging is a royal PITA. In these situations we use a really big blanchard grinder and get 2 sides parallel. Then, off to the horizontal boring mill with a "B" axis to hit the other 4 sides. Come to think about it....that actually scales down very well. If you are fortunate enough to be able to make 2 sides parallel....the other 4 come in very easily...no matter the stock size.
  21. I am currently working on a project with this stuff. I am finding all kinds of hard spots in this material (during a gundrill cycle, my spindle load will vary anywhere between 5 - 15% in a 9" deep hole....stays at 5% for an inch, climbs to 15%, back down to 5%, ect) Hard spots in the material would be very undesirable in the particular application that this part is for. (A bolt action receiver....hard spots could cause it to grenade) I am wondering if we just came across a bad lot of material or if it common to see these issues with this Flexor-M http://www.pennsylvaniasteel.com/prehardened.php
  22. Are you using the CNC Software translator or the Moldplus flavor?
  23. if not ( t$ = 48 ), pbld, n$, "G43", *tlngno$, pfzout, scoolant, next_tool$, e$ not sure if you need the parentheses or not.....

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