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Everything posted by MIL-TFP-41

  1. Mastercam only "sees" one processor...it cannot take advantage of 2 or more processors.
  2. I see...from doing a bit of research, I have found this was logged as a bug back in X MR2...2 releases later and it still does not work? Whats up CNC Software???
  3. Is this a bug?? I cannot pick the op that I want to convert...it seems to just pick up my first operation. On the tab that says "Toolpath to 5 axis", there is a button that says "original toolpath", but clicking it does nothing more than execersize your mouse click finger Am I missing something??
  4. I am trying to get around have 10 different posts for 10 very similar machines
  5. we have several different lathes, mostly Mori's. Most of the machines have different max RPM's for low, med & high....and some have no gears. Is there a way to set the speed ranges in the machine def or do I have to have a different post for each machine?
  6. All of my testing that I have done I have seen little if any difference with mastercam with a Quadro card...and this was using a Quadro FX4000 (big $$$$) vs a GeForce 7300 GT. I think if you were to have 2 instances of Mastercam open, and both of those running verify, the Quadro might be better at dynamically rotating them. My personal thoughts are extra money should go to processing power
  7. quote: Is it possible to cancel cutter comp G40 after the G113?short answer is no
  8. Just a quick question bout these. When would these be not equal to each other in a toolpath? I have been programming 5 axis for a few years now and my typical planes configuration (in 3+2 mode) would be WCS=TOP, Tool Plane=A-90, Construction Plane=A-90 I have actually had my sphincter tighten up like a Kurt vise once when I missed making the T-plane and the C-plane equal...Never have I had a situation where the planes would not be equal. anyone?
  9. tryon, I just tried that...same result. Can't use lead in /lead out..... And by picking a point in a circle mill toolpath it pretty much messes things up...circle mill works off of points.
  10. quote: Bottom line: Dont use lead in and out parameters, start contour at C0This is something that is messed up. We are not able to use simple cycles such as circle mill, thread mill, ect because of this
  11. Thanks for the suggestions.... JDowe, that did not work. Don S, The machine is a VTL, I created the arcs on the proper plane...I even used the VTL sample file for a start to make sure I was doing it proper. Seems to me that this may be a post issue. When I rotate the part (90 deg) I need the C output to be 90 deg...I am getting 0 deg when using polar interpolation. When doing the long code, the output is correct. Where the C axis is basically the Y axis when doing polar interpolation, if one rotates a toolpath, mastercam see's the Y axis as starting at zero? Just a theroy....
  12. I uploaded the file & machine def & post to then FTP. c axis.zip located in the MCX2 directory thanks!!
  13. I have tried a few different toolpaths, all with the same result(C axis moves are always off) This one in particular is Circle mill, the second hole is translated. I have also tried to make a new toolplane to do this (rotate Z 90 deg), same code then also.
  14. Hey all, Been driving myself nuts over this one. We are trying to cut 4 diameters on the face of a part. The output on the first hole (center is at C zero) is fine. However, now matter how we try any other hole (say at 90 or 180 deg) the output is wrong. code: G0 T0500 G94 M33 G0 G54 X20. C0. Z20.25 G97 S534 M13 Z20.1 G94 G1 Z20. F6.4176 G41 X22.0907 C354.806 F23.5551 G12.1 G94 G3 X24. C0. J1. F6.4176 (CORRECT) X20. C2. I-2.(CORRECT) X16. C0. J-2.(CORRECT) X20. C-2. I2.(CORRECT) X24. C0. J2.(CORRECT) G13.1 X22.0907 C5.194 I-1. F23.5565 G1 G40 X20. C0. Z20.1 F6.4176 G0 Z20.25 X20. C90. Z20.25 (SECOND HOLE C 90 DEG) Z20.1 G94 G1 Z20. F6.4176 G41 X22.0907 C84.806 F23.5551 G12.1 G94 G3 X24. C0. J1. F6.4176 (90 DEG OFF) X20. C2. I-2. (90 DEG OFF) X16. C0. J-2. (90 DEG OFF) X20. C-2. I2. (90 DEG OFF) X24. C0. J2. (90 DEG OFF) G13.1 X22.0907 C95.194 I-1. F23.5565 G1 G40 X20. C90. Z20.1 F6.4176 G0 Z20.25 any ideas??
  15. being limited to the system top WCS makes this thing pretty much useless
  16. Isn't machine sim limited to the top WCS?
  17. quote: Dont you think this is a bug?yes
  18. I have seen this since V9. i think mastercam verify looks at a change of toolplanes as a toolchange...Try checking "stop on Toolchange"...when changing planes verify stops even tho you are using the same tool
  19. quote: You have a choice between Windows Standard and Mastercam. I don't have any problems when its set to Mastercam. All of our seats are set to Mastercam (didn't ever change it, just checked today) This issue is real and not good
  20. quote: This problem is very intermittent, like maybe once a week. The rest of the time it works fine.how bout multiple times a day on 6 different seats/computers? sounds regular rather than intermittent to me. The file save issue described in the link is even more annoying and destructive..not only does it rename your file, but it puts it into a different location. Easy to lose alot of progress on a part, all because you want to look at a different file. Not condemming the whole release, but when you get used to something working, then upgrade, I EXPECT things to continue to work....otherwise you are taking a step in the wrong direction.
  21. http://www.emastercam.com/ubb/ultimatebb.p...ic;f=1;t=025716 This bug is WAY bad and annoying, it is happening to me quite regualar. This and not being able to select multiple ops with the shift key makes me wish that I never went to X2...X1 MR2 did not have these annoying and destructive bugs. Time for CNC Software to release hotfixes to fix some of these issues. X2 is a step in the wrong direction bug wise.
  22. just to ressurect this topic...this is friggin annoying as hell....not being able to select multiple ops with shift sucks xxxx. Closing mastercam works for a bit, but should we have to go through this hassle/time waste?
  23. I have had the same issue...and overwrote a file that I needed as a result....what a pain
  24. Kevin, Check your e-mail..... try setting mi4 to 180 or 252
  25. All of this makes me laugh...Fanuc and their dataserver is a JOKE compared to a 840di. I have both, and there is no questions of preference as to which is easier. Try coping a file off a memory card to the dataserver.....try editing the file in the datasever...try restarting a program without line numbers with dataserver...try having a file name that is somewhat descriptive (not O1234)...I can come up with many, many more reasons why I hate Fanuc and their fancy memory card....

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