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Everything posted by MIL-TFP-41

  1. Select multiple operations w/ shift key appears to not work in X2MR1. you can do it with the control key...but then you have to select EACH operation one at a time instead of several at once Any Thoughts??
  2. This did not work in X1MR2 either. When using change at point on a drill cycle, (part is programmed to use incremental depth) the little box beside where you key in your new depth does say "Incr". However, it uses a absolute depth no matter what. Anyone else see this?
  3. I don't know if this did it in X2 or not (just switched from X1 MR2), but... When defining a facemill I am no longer allowed to have a 90 deg Taper angle???? I have PLENTY of 90deg facemills. I can define them as a endmill, but that loses the filter ability. Now when I bring up the filter screen, in X1 it was set up so when a particular tool type was selected, the background around the icon was highlighted. In X2, it is not highlighted, but rather there is a "frame" that is very tough to tell what I have selected to filter. Is this a color setting?
  4. 23 seconds first time to regen. Core2Duo [email protected] 2gb ram GeForce 7300GT Looks to be smoking the Xeon crowd. For a challenge, how bout verify time. 45.156 seconds Tool tolerance = .008 STL Tolerance = .001 Quality = highest Simulate tool (no turbo) and hit the fast forward.
  5. I did it with something like this... first, I made a flag code: airflag : 0 #Thru spindle coolant air blast flag Then, right after your coolant is called up in your toolchange, I added this code: if coolant$ = 3, airflag = 1 and finally, in the pretract section, I added this code: if airflag = 1, [ pbld, n$, "M331", e$ pbld, n$, "G4 F12.", e$ pbld, n$, "M59", e$ airflag = 0 ] and it works...
  6. ahhhh...I am missing the obvious again Thanks!
  7. It has been a while since I have used this feature, but now I got a new computer & want to see how fast it is compared to the old... but now I can't find the timer thing in verify... It might of been X MR1 since I have used it. Is it now gone or am I missing the obvoius?
  8. quote: We have partnered up with cutting tool vendors like Dapra, Dura-Mill, and Iscar to provide you with recommended feeds, speeds, and cutting information for their machine tools. Their libraries are all available with Mastercam.Ok, I have always seen the Dura-Mill library...but where is the Dapra library??? Am I just missing something??
  9. anything before X MR2 is unstable at best....it works, just not very good
  10. quote: +1 Dynamic compensation. It's good, but remember you cannot use high speed machining options when it is active. There isn't a controller powerful enough to work out all of those calcalation at once. The 840Di controller with the TRAORI function works with high speed, and is completely independent of machine kinematics....2 different machines, same program...2 different fixtures (different locations on the table), same program. I wish Fanuc's version worked........
  11. can you edit the toolchange macro to do this? I have done this on a Matsuura MAM72-63V with a 30i controller. in the program itself there are no "H" or "D" codes...just a G43 and D41's. at the end of the macro these lines were added H#518 D#517 This sets both the H and the D for whatever tool is in the spindle. this was done for tool life management and using backup tools.
  12. quote: COMPCAD??? from one of the guys at methods... quote: COMPCAD actually converts the standard linear blocks of your program into a Nurbs or spline type program internally on the fly, this allows the control to COMPress up to 50 linear blocks of code into 1 (spline) block of code This means that this control may only have to process 1 block while the other guys control has to process up to 50 blocks to do the same thing This also means the 500 block look ahead is really allot more than 500 blocks The results are shorter cycle time, smoother motion and a better looking part, this also cuts down the number of points needed in your part program witch allows you to open up your cam tolerance a bit The other way cool option especially for 5 axis work on the 840Di's is TRAORI quote: Another alternative to 5-axis machining is called RTCP or TRAORI function. In this mode, instead of feeding the controller direct XYZ ABC machine coordinates, you instead feed it cutter location coordinates that are always relative to the part. The controller will make the necessary calculation on the fly to account for the effects of the part rotation. This has three important advantages. First, since the G-code coordinates are always with reference to the part coordinate system programs using TRAORI are independent of machine kinematics and the machine zero. This means that if you change the location of the part on the machine you do not need to repost it. You can also use the same program on a machine with completely different kinematics since the controller will make the necessary calculations to adjust for this. Second, automatically adjust the axis feeds to make sure that the feedrate of the tool relative to the part is constant. Thus, no need for Inverse time feed or feedrate smoothing. Third, the controller will modify the axis motions so that the tool follows a straight line relative to the part to avoid collisions.
  13. quote: The Matsuura MAM machines are great. Great machine, Fanuc Control...you can get them with a 840Di...I honestly prefer that control over the fanuc. fanuc does so many wierd things with stuff like their data-server, tool life (matsuura wrote their own software to get around using fanuc's)...their high speed options are good, but the 840 w/ COMPCAD is better. Still...I am getting used to the fanuc.
  14. Just got a Matsuura MAM72-63V with 17 pallets. Has a Fanuc 30i control on it...works good. I like the 840Di control better that we have on a V-Max800 5ax, but the Fanuc is not bad. Very stable & accurate. both are table/table machines
  15. quote: So it appears that XP automatically dispurses processor demand over the array by some predetermined algorithm and that setting affinity (as James suggested) may actually limit that. It is much better to let the OS handle affinity. From Wikipedia... quote: Programs running on SMP (multi-core) systems do, however, experience a performance increase even when they have been written for uniprocessor (single core)systems. This is because hardware interrupts that usually suspend program execution while the kernel handles them can run on an idle processor instead. The effect in most applications is not so much a performance increase as the appearance that the program is running much more smoothly. This explains the load going across your processors. Ideally what I would like to see is some kind of benchmarking standard for mastercam, so users can compare configurations & see what is best.
  16. Thanks for the reply...sending e-mail
  17. Any word on this lately? Last I saw anything was back in August.
  18. 5ax gouge file here again, a very simple example, but it shows exactally what I am trying to say
  19. quote: I have to say MC ver9 had a better verify feature. The part rotated instead of the cutter moving, i've read earlier posts and see people have had similar problems where the next tool can wipe out the entire part just because of how it plots it with the tool. Sometimes new isn't better. shamewhen verify repositions a tool around a rotary axis (say the c axis on a table/table type machine), it repositions the tool, not the part as how it would be done a actual machine. this will run the cutter all the way through the part. Did this in 9 and X and X2....I can make a simple example of this if people wish to see.
  20. definatly a step inthe right direction...thanks!!!
  21. I have uploaded a file here to help explain this one. I am having problem with the stepover amount that advanced multiaxis uses. Seems like it starts out the path with a approx OK stepover (like .050), but as the path continues around the cylinder, the stepover increases. Flow 5ax does a good stepover, but when you start adding check surfaces to this path...well if you have used it much then you know that sometimes you path may dissappear. I want to use advanced multiaxis on things like this for more control and check surfaces. Anyone got pointers on getting my stepover to stay consistant?? Thanks
  22. lets see a true multi-threaded version of Mastercam next....lets take full advantage of all these Dual-Core puters our there
  23. code: if use_clamp & (cuttype = 0 | opcode$ = three | opcode$ = 16), if I am looking at this correctly, this will work for clamping only, not for unclamping for a 5 axis move. it also looks like that the "opcode$ = three" can be eliminated...reason being... cuttype = 0 is a flag that says it is working on tool plane possitioning, which "regular" drilling (opcode$ = three) cycles are. opcode 16 is 5 axis drilling, so the above line says its ok to clamp on 5ax drilling, which is what you want. what I am trying to get around is this...Right now for a unclamp I have this code: if use_clamp & cuttype <> zero, [ p_lock = zero s_lock = zero pbld, n$, s_slock, e$ pbld, n$, s_plock, e$ ] Problem is having this with your clamp line could lead to extra unclamping and clamping at the first of a toolchange. Also, I added another unclamp move here code: ptlchg0$ #Call from NCI null tool change (tool number repeats) #Cancel check in case missed in ptoolend if prv_n_tpln_mch <> n_tpln_mch, pg69 ##### Custom changes allowed below ##### comment$ # This call to 'pcan' has been commented out to avoid # double output of canned text #pcan pbld, n$, sgplane, e$ pspindchng pbld, n$, scoolant, e$ if use_clamp & cuttype <> zero, ###added unclamp [ p_lock = zero s_lock = zero pbld, n$, s_slock, e$ pbld, n$, s_plock, e$ ] I did this in case I am cutting in 3 + 2 mode, then with the same tool I do a 5 axis cut. Without this extra unclamp it will go into 5 axis mode with your clamps still on
  24. hello all, I was wondering if someone out there could help explain this section of the post to me code: #pri_limtyp = 1, tolerance to validate tripping limit # reset the p_frc_adj_sec flag when back to normal range #pri_limtyp = 2, angle move >= to trigger reposition on primary and # angle move >= with rev5 or 180 reposition to validate tripping limit p_rsoft_tol : 45 #sec_limtyp = 2, Angle move >= for reposition s_soft_tol : 270 adj_lim_trp : 90 #Angle move in p_pri_rot180 to trip reposition #pri_limtyp = 3 and sec_limtyp = 3 control values p_rsoft_tol3 : 90 #Angle move >= with rev5 or 180 reposition particulary the last 2 numbers. I have table/table type machines. When doing some drill 5ax programs I have had trouble with the post canceling drill cycles to reposition (when it has to move the c axis 180 deg) and then it will call up the drill cycle again, usually with a feedrate of zero. My fix was to change the last 2 numbers to 360, now it will do the drill cycle properly, that is not cancel itself when repositioning 180 deg, but then I had problems doing either a curve 5ax or a swarf cut when the A axis would tilt to positive...A would never go positive and the post would reposition the c axis 180 deg. I then changed the numbers to 360 and 180, and both cycles seem to work...but it got me curious as to what these numbers actually do...I know its some kind of repositioning thing but I don't understand how they work. hope some of you can follow that. Thanks
  25. will an updated post work in X MR2?

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