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Everything posted by MIL-TFP-41

  1. works fine for me...I did a overwrite install for MR2
  2. anyone got a easy "workaround" besides creating a folder in windows explorer?
  3. I hate the new project manager. We have always kept the .nc files seperate from the drawing files...Now it leaves you with little choice. I know you can change the location of your .nc file, but they took out the ability to make a new folder from the machine properties box.
  4. 1- Make it a true multi-threading application. This is a must for perfomance with all the dual core processors coming out. 2- Make the level manager so when you turn levels on and off it shows on the screen "realtime" instead of closing the manager to see which entities turn off...make it like CadKey's manager in other words. 3- Gouge checking in the "basic" 5ax toopaths 4- 5ax verify that works....I am tired of seeing the tool go through the part when it should be the part rotating.
  5. check out Camplete...check this thread http://www.emastercam.com/ubb/ultimatebb.p...ic;f=1;t=020726
  6. Got this from QC today James, It works properly in MR2 which should be released very soon. I spoke to the one of the programmers on this and he says they found a problem in MR1 and rewrote and instituted a new offset algorithm in MR2. So please be patient. If you really need this, I can regenerate for you in MR2 and send it back to you. Rob Peirolo Q.C. CNC Software
  7. infinite look ahead is turned off (see the file). When I analyze the inside arc (the smallest) it measures .55504. Works fine in V9. Works fine in X till I regenerate. If I turn cutter comp off it works, cept I want to use cutter comp. When I change comp from left to right it cuts the outside fo the spiral, I need to cut the inside.
  8. still having this problem. Can anyone else repeat this error? Thanks
  9. I think this thread (and many others) should be a sign to CNC software to start certifing hardware and drivers for Mastercam. Most other CAD/CAM packages already do this.....Think of how much frustration this would save people having problems....if they are having problems, one could point them to the certified driver list (a page that has drivers known to be stable with mastercam) Personally I find X to be stable....not saying that it never crashes, every program does. I am a big fan of Omega drivers ( http://www.omegadrivers.net/ ) and also RivaTuner (among other things, it lets you turn a 6800GS card into a QuadroFX4000) http://www.guru3d.com/ I can't recommend RivaTuner to those who are inexperienced with messing around with hardware & drivers, but for those who are comfortable, use it Omega drivers I recommend to anyone have any kind of stability issues...just use the "performance" setting when you install I also think that running a dual core or dual CPU setup with mastercam is nothing more than a waste of money...Mastercam does not currently support multi-threading, but my guess is is that they will in the near future. Dual core processors are becoming way to common for them not to. Setting processor affinity in no way resembles a multi-threading application...all you are doing is telling the OS to only use 1 processor for running mastercam (or whatever other app you set up to do this) In a few years (lets hope we don't have to wait that long) the CPU companies will come out with something called "reverse hyperthreading," which would make multiple CPUs look like one to a single-threaded program. This would be way cool to have today...but hopefully CNC makes Mastercam multi-threaded very soon.
  10. Ask Mike Kaminski (or anyone at Methods) what he thinks of mastercam, lol. Camplete is some pretty slick stuff. We got our Matsuura 6 months before it came out (camplete) and I have yet to talk the boss into buying it (it does cost $$$). The way it optimizes feedrates is its best feature as a post processor. The way it simulates the machine will prevent crashes. I know that when we get another 5 axis this will be part of the deal. Camaix toolpaths are to be included in MR2, but not the post or machine simulator ( I think)
  11. I was just curious bout this. Usually for this application I use a Mitsubishi BDX cutter, 1" dia 2 flute, 15500 RPM @ 450IPM. For this application I need to take light depth of cut anyways & was wondering if anyone had success with a feed mill
  12. just curious...I have used these with success in steel & other stuff ( Mitsubishi AJX to be exact)...has anyone tried this cutter in Aluminium? I figure I can be running upwards or 750~1000 IPM, "IF" it works
  13. The automatic chaining on coons was very quick & easy, with net surface you have to pick several chains(as far as I know)
  14. I have found the CoonSurf.dll in X.....but has the automatic chaining left us?
  15. I have stated earilier in this post that I had very little difference between a $150 card & a $1500 card. Processor speed makes the most dramatic impact with Mastercam. I have not experiemented with a dual core processor, but I suspected the results you are seeing would be true. Mastercam is not written to take advantage of multiple processors....I think (hope) this will change in the near future because dual-core is becomming commonplace. Right now the best mastercam system would be the fasest single-core processor with solid vid-card (not necesarally a $1500 one) Some Ge-Force cards can be modded into a Quadro using riva-tuner. http://downloads.guru3d.com/download.php?det=163 very handy...and it works.
  16. Been waiting for this for a while...anyone who uses drill 5ax has missed this in X Thanks!
  17. Dapra is the way to go. Buy 30 inserts & the body is free. It is the ONLY inserted ball that I have found that will cut with the very tip
  18. I recently did some testing with different cards, tested in mastercam verify with a stopwatch (not exact, but close within a few seconds). Used the same machine, reinstalling drivers for each card, used the latest drivers from nvidia's site. Machine is a 3GHz P4. File used a imported STL created in Rhino and used 5axis toolpaths Card 1 - GeForce FX5200 - 2min 30sec Card 2 - GeForce 6800GS - 2 min flat Card 3 - Quadro FX4000 - 1min 50sec Card 2 can be had for under $200 US. For the fun of it, I loaded rivatuner with the 6800GS & worked its magic and softmodded it into a FX4000. Time was the same as the "real" FX4000 (priced at $1500) Next I overclocked the machine to 3.5Ghz. Times dropped by approx 30sec. My conclusion...spend the $$$ on more GHz. Odds are your processor is the bottleneck, not your GPU. The main differece I noticed for the ultra cheap 5200 vs the other cards was the loading time for the stl file.
  19. quote: Not for longNotice I said "today" in my post. 5ax multisurf has yet to impress me beyond words. Very usefull, but mastercam is lacking some 5 ax features I have seen in other packages that I wish it had (note gouge checking...which I hear will be with MR2)
  20. I get tired of the "wait for the next release" thing. Mcam's 3ax stuff is good, but for 5ax work there are better options that are available today
  21. I can't believe how many people like Blazer....we used it for 4 or so years. Thing I noticed about it was an incredible amout of buildup on the enclosure of the machines...it would stick then dry then in a few months it was like 1/4" think in the tough to clean corners of the machine. Then it started to get into the toolchangers & gummed those up. It also stuck to chips like crazy & made chip disposal more like coolant disposal. We used refractometers & kept the mixture no more than 7~8%, so I don't think it was too thick. We skimmed the tanks of way lube (still do) once a week & kept good care of it...but eventually it would wind up seperating on us. Finally we tried a brand call Ho-Cut... http://www.houghtonintl.com/content/view/176/930/ Much less $$$ than Blazer & it does not go bad...some machines have been running it for more than 3 years without changing & they still don't smell like an outhouse in August...bout all we do is skim the tanks once a week & thats it.
  22. thanks gcode...works nicely... just wonder why some are able to right click & others are not.
  23. Just for a test, I tried the right click on 2 other seats we have here....same result. All 3 seats were CD installs.
  24. ^^^ does not work. right click does exactally nothing, no matter where I click

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